Izzy + Ezra <3

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A/N - when the writer's block hits I abandon all my half-written scenes and start new ones like this😭

They make me sick💔



"Why are you crying darlin'? Talk to me", I continued to massage Izzy's feet, trying to bite back the smile that was fighting to break through, "I'm not hurting you am I?".

"No!", she dropped her head into her hands and groaned, "it feels so good, and I want chocolate Ezra". I thought now that Izzy was halfway through the second trimester of her pregnancy and the morning sickness was long gone, things would be a little more...chilled.

I thought wrong.

"What chocolate darlin'?", I asked her, moving onto her left foot and rubbing it gently, "we have tons".

"Dark", she said, tipping her head back and smoothing a hand on her ever growing stomach; our baby was gonna be pretty damn big, I knew that much, "no, milk".

"Both?", I raised an eyebrow, frowning when she started crying again, "hey, it's fine, I'll get you both, yeah?".

"I'm sorry", she wiped her eyes and looked at her stomach, "I'm a mess".

"You're not a mess Isabella", I leaned over and reached out for her hand, kissing the back of it, "you're fucking beautiful".

"Those hands just touched my feet Ezra", she gasped and I laughed, lowering hers back onto her stomach, "can you get the chocolate?".

"Absolutely", I smiled, getting up and walking into the kitchen of our apartment.

After we found out Izzy was pregnant, we decided raising our baby while we lived apart wasn't ideal, so we'd brought an open-plan apartment that literally put my childhood home to shame. Plus, we felt bad forcing Zane, Nix and Caleb to live with the screaming of a baby 24/7.

I washed my hands and retrieved two bars of chocolate, turning around and frowning when I saw Izzy standing up, her T-shirt lifted as she looked at her stomach in the mirror on the wall.

"The stretch marks Ezra", she bit her lip, "I'm-,".

"Finish that sentence with something negative and you can watch me eat all of the chocolate right in your face", I warned, tossing the chocolate onto the sofa and placing both palms on her stomach.

"You probably think I'm-,", I silenced her when I dropped to my knees, littering her stomach with kisses repeatedly, "Ezra".

"You're beautiful", I kissed her stomach, "gorgeous. Stunning. Entrancing. So fucking beautiful darlin' - on the inside just as much as the outside". She just watched me for a moment and I rose to my feet slowly, barely having a second to breathe before she cupped my chin in her hand and kissed me deeply, the pair of us literally melting into each other's touch in the middle of the living room.

"It's eleven in the fucking morning", we jumped apart and I groaned, the smug expression of my eighteen year old brother staring right back at me.

"Why did we give you a damn key?", I grumbled, already missing Izzy's touch as she walked across the room, hugging Eli in an instant. My brother hated hugs, but he'd accept one from her at any time of the day or night. It was almost comical though, although he was nearly nineteen he was already pushing six-four, making my five-eight girlfriend look somewhat small.

"Because I spend more time here than at home", he rolled his eyes, giving Izzy a slight squeeze, "you look like you've been crying".

"My hormones are all over the place", she groaned, lowering herself into the sofa and ripping open a bar of chocolate, "I really wanna have a picnic".

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