Ezra & Izzy <3

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A/N - lighthearted for once <3



"We're reconnecting with nature", I stared at Ezra incredulously as he squeezed my hand tighter, walking about a step and a half in front of me as we navigated through the woods, twigs and whatnot snapping under our feet.

"I don't get why we need to do that", I frowned, letting him lead me further in regardless, "and you're sure this isn't just so you could get out of your house?".

I knew him too well.

He turned to face me, lazy grin on his face as he lifted a hand and adjusted the black beanie sitting on his buzzed head.

"You're reaching darlin'", he told me to which I rolled my eyes, I was right and he knew it, "think of it as a cost-free date with a view".

"We could've done that in the cinema room at mine", I grumbled, holding onto his hand tighter when my ankle nearly rolled as I stood on a rock, "if I break a bone out here-,".

"I'll carry your ass to hospital and do whatever you want until you're better", I'd hold him to that, "you smell that fresh air?".

"I smell damp leaves", I replied with a shrug, a loud laugh coming from him straight after, I loved making him laugh like that.

"You're soundin' awfully pessimistic", he raised an eyebrow as he turned to face me, "you okay?".

"My period's due which probably means I'm not gonna be able to wear the dress you bought me for our date this week", I revealed and he hummed, stopping completely and pulling me closer towards him; he cupped my chin in his hand and pressed a quick kiss to my forehead.

"You could wear a fuckin' trash bag for all I care", he said seriously, I rolled my eyes.

"You're just saying that because you have to", I told him, "I want to look good".

"You always look good, who told you otherwise?", he frowned, eyes narrowing at me, "is it cuz the dress is white? I can buy you a black one so you don't-,".

"You don't have to do that", I shook my head, "I know you saved up for the white one, and I want to wear it, it'll just be another time". He nodded, staying quiet for a minute as the squawking of some random birds filled the air, I'd almost forgotten we were in the woods for a second.

"I know you say to never say it", I didn't like where that was going, "but I'm sorry I'm not as financially-,".

"Don't even finish that sentence", I covered his mouth with my hand, "you know I don't care about that, I want you, not your money". A smile tugged at his lips and he kissed me properly this time, cupping a hand behind my head as he deepened it; so much for reconnecting with nature.

"I love you", no matter how many times he said it it still made me feel the same way I did when I heard it for the first time.

"I love you", I smiled against him, leaning back slightly and peering over my shoulder, "how much further are we walking?".

"Not too far", he chuckled, latching onto my hand again and leading the way slowly, "watch your step". I focused on the ground, not wanting to trip and ruin our impromptu stroll through the woods.


Ezra led us deeper into the trees, coming to an abrupt stop near a lone bench in a small clearing; how did he even know about this spot?

"I've found Eli here a few times when he pulls his disappearing acts", he answered my unspoken question with a chuckle, "there's a stream just down there, it's peaceful as shit".

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