Izzy + Xander

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A/N - this may not be the only upload of the night😛

I watched Tangled earlier and ugh what a film fr 🫶🏾

*this takes place a little before the epilogue of Delgado*



Life was a crazy fucking thing.

One minute you're this useless lump who cries for milk and can't even sit up, the next you're in love and moving out of your childhood home.

Maybe there was quite a big time jump between those two things but who cares, you get what I mean. I'd gone from this angry kid who used to beat up my brothers for breathing on me the wrong way to a slightly less angry adult who was starting the next chapter of my life with the man I loved.

Like I said, fucking crazy.

"Looks just as depressing as it did with all your shit inside", Jax peered around what was left of my bedroom: black walls and black carpet, "you're like a vampire".

"You sound like Bella with that shit", I shook my head with a smirk, glancing around the room, "can't believe I'm moving out of here". The room no longer even looked like mine, everything having been moved into our new place already.

"I'm sorry", my boyfriend's random apology made me frown, "well you wouldn't need to move out if it wasn't for me right? It's because of my parents that-,". I cut him off by pressing my lips to his, not wanting to hear another word of that shit.

"We're doing this because we love each other", I rested my forehead against his, staring him in the eyes, "and you deserve so much more than the shit your parents put you through". He nodded against me, kissing me again and cupping a hand behind my head; he was one of the only people that made me feel anything remotely close to being happy.

"Xan, did you wanna- oh", we pulled apart and my head snapped to the doorway; I swear if it was anyone else there I would've kicked off, but not my sister. Bella was one of the only people I could tolerate for long periods of time at once, it was like she had superpowers or some shit.

"Hey Izzy", Jax smiled at her and she returned it instantly; out of all of my siblings she'd probably made my boyfriend feel the most welcomed, it was like she knew he wasn't used to being around a lot of people and she always made sure he was comfortable.

"Jax", she greeted him, "you guys seem occupied, I'll leave you to it and-,".

"What's wrong?", I asked her, stopping her in her tracks, "you're here now".

"I was gonna see if you wanted to do something today", she shrugged, "y'know, before you move out and abandon me like Chase and Scott".

"They haven't...abandoned you, per se", I tried to sugarcoat it, knowing full well our brothers were barely around here anymore, especially since they both had kids, "and I'm not gonna abandon you Bella".

"I've heard that one before", she muttered, plastering on a smile, "it's okay, you two have fun". Before I could even open my mouth she'd left the room, guilt filled me in a split second and Jax squeezed my hand gently.

"You want me to go?", he asked, "she really wants to hang out with you Xan".

"And what are you gonna do?", I turned to him, watching him fix his glasses and shrug a little.

"I've gotta get the last of my stuff from my parents' place", he replied, not even being able to call that place home, "I can do that, get some food- take Comet to the park". Him and that dog.

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