Surprise Pregnancy...

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A/N - a million time jumps in one 🫶🏾🫶🏾

Up to you all to decide if this happened or not..👀



Two lines on a pregnancy test.


I blinked, rubbed my eyes, walked out of the bathroom and walked back in but nope, I wasn't seeing things.

I was pregnant, for the third time.

I'd celebrated my thirty-ninth birthday last week- my son and daughter were turning eighteen and seventeen this year, and now there was a possibility of a third?

"Ezra!", I shouted my husband's name at the top of my lungs, probably giving him as well as my children a heart attack in the process.

Footsteps- multiple pairs of footsteps- approached louder and louder and I winced, I didn't know what to do right now.

"Darlin'?", Ezra's voice came from the other side of our bathroom door, "both of you give us a minute". I heard Luca muttering some kind of complaint before a door closed, the bathroom one opening simultaneously; I watched my husband's eyes travel around my face, then the room. Then they settled on the pregnancy test resting on the sink.

"I'm- it's positive", I said quietly, "I'm pregnant". He stared at it for a moment more, his lips lifting into a wide smile a second later; my heart rate slowing gradually when I realised he was happy. I was too, but my shock and a million questions were running through my head on top of that.

"How are you feeling?", he asked me, pressing a delicate kiss to my forehead, "what are you thinking?".

"I'm shocked, but happy", I leaned against his front, letting his arms drape over my shoulders and his hands rest on my stomach, "I'd like to keep it, but if you-,".

"Darlin'", he cut me off, kissing the top of my head this time, "it would be an honour to be a father again, and dare I say I miss when those two were babies?".

"They argued less", I mused, letting out a small sigh, "I'm scared. I'm older now, the kids are nearly adults- what if they wouldn't get along?".

A seventeen and eighteen year age gap between my children wasn't something I'd expected, and I didn't know how their dynamic would work out; Ezra and I needed to have a conversation with the two of them as soon as possible.

"We've raised two great kids, darlin'", he assured me, "I think they'd be amazing with a baby in the house".

"I know, I'm being stupid", I muttered with a shake of the head, "we can't just keep this a secret from them Ezra".

"They're probably still outside of that door", he mused, "and you're not being stupid, hm? I think you're still a little shocked darlin'- no rush".

"I love you", I leaned against him and sighed, closing my eyes when he wrapped an arm around me, "I'm happy, I promise, I just didn't expect it".

"I know", he shook with a small chuckle, "neither did I, but like I said- being a father again would be a privilege Izzy". I was glad he felt that way, because as terrifying as it was..being a mother was one of if not the greatest experiences of my life.

I'd be nothing short of grateful to be one to a third child.


Two days later

After fending off our kids and telling them I'd seen a spider in the bathroom when I screamed forty-eight hours ago, Ezra and I had decided to sit the pair of them down and share the news.

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