Caleb + Delilah

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A/N - I am so evil for this one I don't know where I found this within me🧍🏾‍♀️

TW for the whole chapter❤️

If anyone forgot, Delilah is Theo's mother and if you don't love her by the end of this then 😃

*Caleb is 19 in this scene*




Defined as a group of one or more parents and their children living together as a unit.

Complete and utter bullshit if you asked me.

I didn't have a parent, I had Zane.

He was my mother, father, brother and friend all rolled into one. And as close as my brothers and I were, I wouldn't say we lived together as a unit. We were a mess, merely existing under the same roof sometimes, and I hated it.

I hated seeing other people with their happy families, knowing they had a mother who looked after them, hugged them, loved them...a father who protected them, listened to them, loved them - when all I had was a mother who ran at the first opportunity and a father who beat me black and blue at least once a week.

I was born into a life that did nothing but make me want to leave it.

And that's exactly what I found myself feeling tonight.

August's two year anniversary had been a week ago, and I'd been feeling shit, on the verge of doing something stupid ever since; I needed help, and it felt like nobody could see that. Zane probably could, but he'd had a panic attack earlier and I didn't wanna put him any more on I'd been suffering in silence, staring at my ceiling for hours.

I'd contemplated drinking myself into oblivion, but that wouldn't be enough to fuck me up- just give me a headache and a shit ton of nausea in the morning. Painkillers. My second option, yet one that hit a little too close to home.

Go out the same way he did, ironic Caleb. I needed to get out of here before I did something stupid, I knew that much.


I tapped my knuckles on Chase's door, praying the 17 year old was awake. It was only eleven, but my brother had a track record for knocking out before ten with a book in his lap.

"Come in", thank fuck for that. I slipped inside, closing the door as quietly as possible behind me, I didn't need the twins coming in here and quizzing me with all sorts, I just wanted to speak to Chase right now.

"I need you to cover for me", I announced, sinking into his bed and dropping my head into my hands. I heard his book slam and felt him shuffling beside me, a flat palm being placed on my back gently.

"You're shaking", he commented, his deeper voice something I was still becoming accustomed to, he'd been a squeaky little shit for years, "what's wrong?".

"I need to get out of here Chase, I-,", I paused, lifting my head and making eye contact with him, "I think I'm gonna do something stupid if I stay in here". He clenched his jaw, the hand on my back pressing down firmer as he cleared his throat.

" yourself?", he tried and I swallowed, my silence apparently giving him his answer, "have you got anything in your room that-,".

"Alcohol. Pills", I said, not blinking, "I just- I need to go to Theo's, and I need you to cover if Zane asks".

"Okay", he nodded, raising his hand slightly so it rested on the back of my neck, "I'll drive you there". He hated driving, I'd seen him get in the car Zane brought him for his birthday last month a grand total of twice.

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