Gracious Chap.20 Alternate Universe

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A/N - you ask, I deliver 🫡

‼️Do NOT read this unless you've read Chapter 20 of Gracious‼️

(Well you can but it won't make sense and 😍spoilers😍)

‼️And do NOT read this if you don't want's not a fun scene at all‼️

This one is split into three separate scenes and TW for the entire thing...


1. If Zane pulled the trigger...

Third person POV

The Delgado brothers- well, excluding the eldest one, were gathered in the living room...waiting.

Waiting for what, they weren't exactly sure, but they were waiting.

For Zane to come downstairs, to give them somewhat of an explanation as to why he hadn't come home last night, why they weren't going to see Cairo ever again.

"Zane said he was gonna bring Cairo here to tell us something", Xavier was confused, probably the most confused out of all five of them, "and now we're never gonna see him again?".

"I know you have questions honey, but we've just gotta be patient hm?", Delilah Kingston saw the six boys under this roof as her own, and having to keep the truth from them- lying to their faces, hurt her more than she'd ever expected it to.

But she'd promised Zane that she'd spare them from the truth, leaving him to suffer with the knowledge on his own.

"He said they had a fight, so they had a fight", Caleb rolled his eyes, not understanding why his younger brothers couldn't just accept what had happened, "if Zane doesn't like Cairo anymore, then we don't either".

Because they'd stand by Zane regardless, no matter what.

Silence fell amongst them, the younger boys all watching Prescott, their second voice of reason if Zane wasn't around; the fifteen year old just ruffled his hair and puffed out his cheeks, not knowing what to make of the situation.

He knew deep down that there was more to the story, but didn't know how to prove it.

"We should wait for Zane to talk to us, he'll tell us-,", the bang that thundered from upstairs made everyone flinch, the walls rattle, the house shake.

Delilah jumped to her feet first.

She hadn't run this fast since one of her own children had either taken a tumble on the stairs, or had injured themselves while fighting.

Prescott was hot on her tail, and he wasn't an idiot.

He knew that was the unmistakable sound of a gunshot.

Body trembling as he ascended the stairs, barely being able to take in the patter of footsteps behind him, he burst into his older brother's room behind Delilah, who had managed to kick down the eighteen year old's previously locked door.

The scream that came from her was inhumane.

Prescott felt the life leave him in the blink of an eye.

The blood, the smell, his brother- he tried to pry his eyes away from the traumatising sight in front of him, he tried so hard, but he couldn't.

"Scott honey, don't look, don't look", Delilah wrapped her arms around the fifteen year old, cocooning him and shielding him from what he'd already seen, "don't look, don't look". He was frozen still, heart slamming against his chest as he squeezed his eyes shut, he could still see it.

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