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A/N - don't know where this came from but yeah...

Who can remember which brother's allergic😍

Izzy is 16 in this scene :)



It wasn't often nowadays that I spent time with all of my brothers at once, but that didn't mean I didn't enjoy their company even if it was one on one.

So when Caleb and Theo had all but dragged me and Chase from our rooms and told us we were going out for food, I could hardly complain.

"You and your strange music taste", Chase shook his head from beside me, of course Theo was in the passenger seat of Cay's Range Rover, leaving the two of us crammed in the back, "will you ever listen to stuff with words?".

"I do", our twenty-one year old brother insisted, "tell them".

"On rare occasion", Theo shrugged and I chuckled, "can you drive- you drive any slower?".

"Can you shut up before I kick you out?", Cay scoffed, obviously teasing.

"Telling someone with a- with a speech im-impediment to shut up?", Theo gasped and my jaw dropped, "low, even for- for you".

"Yeah Cub, really low", Chase gave his input and I chuckled, "where are we eating?".

"Burgers", Caleb said, shoving his best friend's head as he kept the other hand on the steering wheel.

"So detailed", I muttered, peering out of my window, "are you treating me Cay?".

"Fuck no", he scoffed and I frowned.

"I'll treat you Izzy", Theo offered and my face lit up, the honorary brother at it again.

"Thank you, Theo", I glared at Caleb, "one of my favourite brothers".

"Back off", Cay glared at me through the mirror above his head.

"Jealous?", Chase wiggled his eyebrows and I chuckled.

"Don't worry", Theo squeezed out brother's shoulder, "I only have- have eyes for- for uh, for you".

"Good", he grumbled, returning both hands to the wheel.

And they claimed to be platonic soulmates.


By the time Caleb put his foot down and we finally arrived at the restaurant, I was beyond hungry, so much so that I nearly jumped out of the car while it was moving.

"Was I ambitious ordering two large fries?", Caleb sipped his coke, running a finger down the condensation on the glass.

"There's no such thing as ambition when it comes to fries", Chase shook his head and Theo nodded in agreement.

"They're chips", I scrunched up my face and they all groaned, "what? You can't shake the British lingo out of me".

"You've nearly been here for a year", Caleb narrowed his eyes at me, "we've gotta shake it out of you somehow".

"Nope", I replied, taking a sip of my Oreo milkshake, "never".

"Stubborn ass", Cay grumbled.

"Wonder where she- where she gets it- it from", Theo commented and he scowled, "can they- they hurry up?".

"We just ordered", Chase rolled his eyes, "you're all impatient".

"Just when it comes to food", Cay insisted, glancing at Theo briefly, "don't act like you're not hungry Chasey".

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