Izzy + Marco

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A/N - very short one but oh well😍

I love writing about Marco ugh-



My siblings were dropping like flies.

With only Zane, Caleb and Xav at home and my other brother's visits becoming more and more infrequent, I was trying to make the most of the family I had in the vicinity.

So I'd been surrounding myself with my cousins a lot more recently, whether they liked it or not. I'd also been showing up unannounced a lot more, hence me knocking on their doorstep at four in the afternoon after persuading Caleb to drop me off.

My favourite taxi.

"Isabella", I peered up at the tall frame of my eldest cousin, he was the last person I expected to open the door, "to what do I owe the pleasure?". I'd been living with my brothers for a little over three years now, and in that amount of time I could confidently say I'd learned the bare minimum about Marco, and I could count on one hand the amount of conversations I'd had with him one-on-one.

"Hey Marco", that didn't mean I wasn't happy to see him though, "I came to see the twins- oh and you, and Milo too". He wasn't exactly the sole reason I'd come here and he knew it, he was nine years older than me and we had like nothing in common.

"No need to sugarcoat Isabella", his lips twitched into a smirk before his usual neutral expression took over again, "they're not here".


"And I guess that's why I should make my arrival known", I muttered more to myself, nodding once, "well I didn't mean to disturb whatever you're doing-".

"Nothing", he cut me off, "you may as well come in, I don't see a ride behind you". Oh yeah, Caleb had spun out of here quicker than he came, he'd said something about going to see Theo which hadn't shocked me at all.

"Right. Caleb dropped me", I told him and he hummed, stepping to the side, "thanks". I'd be lying if I said it wasn't awkward right now; Marco was...reserved, barely spoke, just stared at people with this calculating gaze as if trying to strip them of their deepest darkest secrets with just a look.

"Hot chocolate?", he strolled past me, hands clasped in front of him and chin slightly tipped up, god he was more authoritative than Zane, "I'd offer you a coffee but nobody drinks it here, and the peppermint tea is for my stomach only". I think that was the most I'd heard him say in one go.

"You drink peppermint tea?", I didn't hate it, but it definitely wasn't my drink of choice.

"My day doesn't start unless I've had a mug", he lifted a shoulder and retrieved the milk from the fridge, I hovered near the table just watching him for a moment, "take a seat". His back was literally facing me. I obliged though, sliding out the chair at the head of the table and sitting down sideways so I was looking in his direction.

"You don't strike me as a peppermint tea guy", I admitted and he turned to me momentarily, another small smirk on his face; that seemed to be the only facial expression he gave, Marco smiling was more of a rarity than Xander wearing something colourful.

"And what do I strike you as?", he raised an eyebrow, rolling up the sleeves of his white shirt and revealing some tattoos I couldn't make out from here.

"A black coffee drinker", I answered with no hesitation, "can I see your tattoos?".

He cocked his head for me to come over, I did, peering down at his left wrist first where a detailed and shaded snake was wrapped around it, then the numbers '1995' on his fingers above his knuckles. My gaze travelled to his right, angry looking thorns travelling from seemingly further up his arm all the way down to his hand, where an open eye that looked more like a picture than a tattoo resided.

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