Caleb's 24th <3

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A/N - if you wondered what one of my fav brothers is doing on his birthday today...❤️

Day 8362493 of me trying to convince everyone (and myself) that Cay and Theo are platonic 🫶🏾



I was officially one year older.

And sure, I was one year closer to death, but I was also better looking than I was last year, richer, happier-

"You're a- a lazy piece of shit", Theo dropped onto the sofa beside me and lay down, his head in my lap, "you can't- can't sit here all day".

"I can, and I will", I grinned down at him, "twenty-four isn't even a milestone". He rolled his eyes, grabbing my left arm and tapping the semicolon tattoo on my wrist.

"Every year is a- is a uh, a milestone", he told me, dropping my arm and shoving my chest, "so we're- we're doing something".

Persistent piece of shit.

"Like what?", I asked, peering over my shoulder when footsteps filled the room, "princesa".

"Birthday boy", she beamed, coming over and lifting Theo's legs, placing them on her lap once she'd sat down, "Theo".

"Izzy", he smiled, "you feel like- like convincing your- your brother to- to uh, leave the house?".


Izzy turned to me, eyebrows furrowed as she drew her bottom lip into her mouth in thought.

"You're planning on staying in?", she asked, "I mean, I know you're not a huge fan of your birthday, but Theo's come all this way-,".

"He lives down the road", I scoffed, shoving my best friend's head, "and I see him every day".

"You say that like it's a- it's a- it's a bad thing", he said with offence in his tone, "I'm hurt".

"No you're not", I rolled my eyes, "what do you wanna do? Something chilled, please?".

"Well I could just give you a- a huge tattoo session", he lifted a shoulder, "but it's hot- I was thinking of uh, of the beach". The beach.

"I'm not opposed to the beach", I admitted to which he hummed triumphantly, "and you're a hypocrite- you told me you went home and cried on your birthday".

"What's wrong with that?", Izzy asked, "hot people cry on their birthday". Theo moved his fist towards my sister and she bumped it, seeing two of my favourite people getting along was one of my favourite things ever.

"Did you just call my best friend hot?", I asked Izzy and she groaned, looking at Theo apologetically.

"I only have eyes for Ezra", she told him and he snorted.

"And I only have eyes for- for your brother", he replied, I shoved his head again as Zane and Nix entered the room.

"When's the wedding?", my eldest brother asked and I groaned- not him too. Theo and I had always been extra friendly in our friendship, and although we'd kissed once, we were completely platonic.

My siblings liked to think otherwise.

"What are you doing today Cay?", Nix asked from the kitchen where he was admiring Zane while he made himself yet another coffee.

"Theo and I are going to the beach apparently", I replied, stealing a glance at my sister, "you coming princesa?".

"Aren't you two just going?", she asked, which meant yes but she didn't want to 'intrude'.

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