Xander, Jax & Cole (pt.3)

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A/N - this is part 3 to the two previous scenes 🫡🫡

Grind doesn't stop🤝🏾

TW - scenes some may find upsetting & multiple mentions of homophobia



I was eighty percent sure my dads hated me.

And to be honest, I didn't blame them; I wasn't exactly doing a lot to make them proud recently.

I groaned, rolling over in my bed so I was facing the wall, the throbbing of my fucking black eye making me wince; I let him get that punch in on purpose, I promise.

And now Aunt Izzy was down there spewing all sorts of crap about me, and I wasn't even allowed to be there to defend myself.

Fucking great.

Groaning again I rolled onto my back, knowing my dads were gonna come up those stairs any minute and force me into a conversation, a conversation where I was certain I'd have to reveal shit about myself to them, I didn't even know if I was ready or not.

Even though Luca and I were pissed at each other right now, I knew he had good intentions at heart, and I'd like to think he wouldn't have given his mother the full details of why he was annoyed at me.

Before I had any more time to think about that though, my door knocked and I pinched the bridge of my nose, calling out a 'come in' and sitting up, my back against the wall. Dad entered first, Pops right behind, the pair of them didn't say a word as I watched them close the door and sit on either side of me.

"Drug dealing?", Pops broke the silence and Dad face palmed himself, I'm assuming that's not how the conversation was meant to begin.

"Xan!", he hissed and Pops surrendered, "but what were you thinking Cole, to kids?".

Here we fucking go.

"I didn't light up a joint and shove it into their mouths", I scoffed and Pops scoffed, "they came to me".

"And I'm sure the word no is in your vocabulary, is it not?", I stayed quiet, not having anything to say to that.

"Your Aunt Izzy thinks that maybe you're keeping something from us, and you're acting out to get us to see that you're hurting", well fuck, no wonder Luca was so transparent with his emotions- he had no chance at hiding shit from his mother; at least my dads were so obsessed with each other that they didn't pay attention most of the time.

"I'm taking your silence as a yes", Pops' voice made me blink, I groaned and dropped my face into my hands, feeling trapped both literally and figuratively- there was no escaping this conversation now.

They're your parents Cole, the fuck are they gonna do? Kill you?

I wouldn't put it past Pops.

"I don't know why I did it", I muttered, silence falling between the two of them, "I'm not- I'm sorry".

"I haven't heard those two words in years", Pops mused and I rolled my eyes, "something's bothering you, we're not stupid Cole".

"But, if it's something that you really don't want us to know...that's okay too", Dad squeezed my shoulder and I swallowed the lump in my throat- don't you fucking dare start crying.

"The fuck it is", Pops snapped, "if something's hurting you, we wanna know".

"Xan-,", and now look, I was making the pair of them argue; I couldn't do anything right anymore.

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