Theo's 24th <3

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A/N - it's just gone midnight so ofc I had to give the unofficial brother his bday chapter 🤍🤍




There was a fucking lump crushing half of my body.

I'd peeled my eyes open no more than thirty seconds ago, focusing on my ceiling and dimly lit room for a moment, then taking note of my best friend's leg thrown over my torso, his arm across my chest.

We were too fucking old for sleepovers now.

"Cay", I grumbled, shoving his head away from me and receiving a loud groan in reply, "get- get off". I had a king size bed for fuck's sake, and somehow he'd managed to end up mostly on top of me at some point in the night.

And he was hogging the duvet.


"You're a dick", he rolled over, freeing me and allowing me to breathe, "what time is it?". Reaching for my phone on the bedside table I squinted at the bright light, snorting when I looked at the clock on my screen.

"Half nine", I replied, another groan coming from him as he sat up and rubbed his face.

"We went to bed at four", I knew that, "you want us to run on five hours sleep all day?". Caleb and I had started my birthday celebrations last night, and by birthday celebrations I mean we got drunk out in my garden, finally retreating upstairs a bit before the sun rose.

"Don't blame me- blame me for waking up", I sat up properly too, resting my back against the headboard, "let's have a- have a productive day".

"You're old", he ignored everything I'd just said and turned to me, "you're twenty four".

"And so- and so uh, and so-,", I paused, exhaling harshly through my nose before trying again, "you're- you're up next".

"Yeah, in like two weeks", he scoffed, "you're on your own for now".

"Prick", I shoved him and he laughed, "come on, get your- get your ass up".

"Fuck, what's the rush?", he did as I said regardless, reaching onto the floor on his side of the bed and tugging his previously discarded black T-shirt over his head, "you think your mum's made breakfast?". The thought alone made my mouth water, every birthday without fail she cooked up a storm - every other day of the year we were left to fend for ourselves.

"Yes, which is why- is why uh, why we need to- to get down there", I rummaged through my wardrobe for some sweatpants, settling on some grey ones and pulling them on, "the twins are like- are like animals".

"Especially your football-crazy brother", he chuckled, the pair of us heading towards the bathroom at the same time to brush our teeth.

So fucking in sync.


"Happy birthday!", I couldn't help but laugh at the sight before me the second Caleb and I entered the kitchen side by side. Blue banners going across the room, and two balloons making a '24' over by the dining table.

The dining table that was fucking covered in food.

"You're old as fuck", Amelia came over and hugged me tightly, I reciprocated it with a frown on my face, "my second favourite brother".

How kind.

"Thanks", I scoffed, being tackled and pulled into a headlock by Gray no more than three seconds later, "fuck".

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