Luca's Graduation

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A/N - starting off strong 😜



I wasn't a crier until I had children.

I was more of a laugh-in-all-types-of-situation-even-if-it's-not-funny type of person, but as soon as I'd brought Luca and Estella into the world, I don't know what had come over me.

My son's first sound I was shedding tears, his first tooth made me sob, his first steps had me bawling in hysterics.

Estella was the same.

I cried to the near point of passing out with joy when her first word was 'Dada'...Luca's was 'Mama', as it should be.

Anyway, I'd cried at every milestone in both of their lives, and today- Luca's high school graduation was no different.

"Mama, chill", my son hugged me for the fourth time this morning, his chin resting on top of my head and arms wrapped around me. I wasn't small, but between him and Ezra the pair of them made me feel as if I was three-feet-tall.

"I can't just chill", I sniffed, "you're graduating".

"No shit", he chuckled and I smacked his back, "you're acting like someone's dead".

"Who's dead?", Estella's voice filled my ears and I pulled apart from Luca, "you're crying again?".

"Leave me alone", I frowned, "you've worked so hard for this Luke, aren't you proud of yourself?".

"I mean, I guess?", he shrugged, "I wasn't exactly a model student".

"Ain't that the truth?", Ezra entered the room, jacket slung over one shoulder and mid-way through buttoning his white shirt.

Have mercy.

"Leave him alone", I kissed my husband and he grinned, pressing a kiss to my forehead, "you look handsome".

"And you look beautiful", he gestured to my black trousers and blazer.

"We're right here", Stella pretended to gag and I rolled my eyes, pulling apart from him and checking my hair in the mirror.

"Like you're not the same with Olivia", Luca muttered, "Dad, my tie".

"Was that a question or a statement?", he raised an eyebrow, taking in our son's scruffy appearance, "I've seen you dress smarter for court".

That earned him a glare.

"Can you help me with it?", he asked, waving it in Ezra's face.

"No please?", he snatched it, gesturing for him to turn around.

"Don't push your luck", Luca muttered with a smirk, standing still while Ezra tied his tie and I fiddled with the curls Estella had just spent over an hour trying to perfect, "let's just get this over with".


"Don't the pair of you look smart?", my gaze travelled between both Luca and Cole who were both in almost matching suits, "very..laid back Cole". My nephew had completely ditched the tie, and his buttons were more undone than done- he reminded me more and more of Xander every day.

"Wasn't feeling the tie", he shrugged, pulling me into a hug, "Dad told me to wear it, Pops didn't care".

"Your dads are complete opposites", I rolled my eyes, "you love them really".

"Yeah I do", he smiled so wide it made his eyes crinkle at the corners, "we're graduating".

"You're graduating", I repeated with a chuckle, "I'm proud of you".

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