Thunderstorm <3

873 26 33

A/N - so short, so shit 😍

Guess which brother has the giant fear of thunderstorms...



"The fucking power's out", I curled up further into Chase as another flash of light came from the window, the way the rain was hammering down making it sound like it was flooding out there, "I can't see shit".

"Should've eaten more carrots growing up", Xav tutted from the other sofa, a torch now switched on under his chin, "you'd be able to see in the dark".

"Fuck off Xav", Xander scoffed, "I'm meant to be doing shit".

"Oh yeah? Like what?", I could just picture Xav wiggling his eyebrows without having to look.

"Mind your own fucking business", he snapped, just as Zane and Nix entered the room with their own torches.

"Such colourful language Alexander", Zane sighed, sitting to my left as Nix sat beside him, four of us now cramped on one sofa. A crash of thunder made the house shake and I winced, tensing against Chase slightly.

"You okay?", he murmured, playing with my hair gently, "not a fan of thunderstorms?".

"Nope", I shook my head against him, "I'm assuming you are?".

"I love them", I could hear the smile in his voice, "I'd stand out there right now if it wasn't slightly dangerous".

"Always at one with nature", Zane commented and I chuckled, "it'll pass mi amor, just a storm".

"Do you know who else hates thunderstorms?", Chase shook with a small laugh, "and I mean hates them".

"Chase", Zane shook his head a little and I sat up, facing my brother fully.

"Caleb?", I guessed and he laughed, giving me a nod of confirmation that I barely made out in the dimly lit room, "where is he?".

"He was going to the toilet", Xander chimed in, "probably hiding under his bed".

"He's twenty-one", I said incredulously, "he really hates them that much?".

"Just you wait", Chase chuckled, going back to playing with my hair as I relaxed again; I poked Zane with my foot and he grabbed it, trying to tickle me. No thanks.

"I'm fucking hungry", Xav groaned, "Scott! Do something!".

"Nope!", my brother yelled back from the kitchen, just as someone rushed into the room and dropped onto the floor right in front of the sofa where Chase and I were.


"This is one of the worst nights of my fucking life", he muttered, "this is horrible".

"Oh you big baby", Chase grinned, ruffling our brother's brown hair, "it's nature Cub".

"Well fuck nature", he scowled, flinching when another crash of lightning filled the atmosphere, "fuck". I rubbed a hand on my brother's shoulder, still pretty shocked that Caleb- giant, tattooed Caleb- was scared of thunder and lightning.

"Grow the fuck up Cub", Xan chuckled, "it's a flash of light and some rumbles".

"Leave your brother alone", Zane sighed, "breathe Caleb, we're all safe in here".

"Well seeing as you all find it fucking hilarious, I'll go suffer upstairs", he snapped, leaving the room quicker than he came.

Well then.

"Must you provoke him?", Zane sighed, snuggling into Nix's side, "must I remind you that Xavier is wearing headphones as we speak?".

"Because he has to", Xan snapped, defending his twin, "Cub will get over it, like Chase said, it's nature". I felt Zane's eye roll as I lifted my head, looking at Chase sheepishly.

Extras🎬जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें