Angry Chase :0

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A/N - little bit short but oh well😍

TW: this scene contains scenes of assault (off page and on page)



"Are you sure about this?", Caleb dipped a large paintbrush into a can of paint and scrunched his face up, "mint fucking green?".


"What's wrong with mint green?", I asked, dipping an identical brush into an identical can and getting to work on the opposite wall, "it's a nice colour".

"It just feels...basic", remind me why I asked the one brother who had an interest in painting to come and do this?

"It's a baby nursery Caleb, not some interior design job", I snapped before wincing, "sorry".

"No I'm sorry, I'll chill", he surrendered, "pre-paternal nerves, I got it". Rory was eight months pregnant now, and with our daughter due in the next few weeks, I was full on shitting it. So she'd suggested I paint the nursery to try and 'calm my nerves' while she took a walk to the store nearby- she'd insisted and now I was terrified at the thought of her being out there alone.

"Something like that", I mumbled, dragging my brush along the wall, "I should go to the store and-,".

"And what? Make Rory think you're coddling her?", he raised an eyebrow as I adjusted my glasses, "she probably just wants some fresh air Chase".

"She can get fresh air with me", I muttered, facing the wall again, "what if her waters broke out there and-,".

"She would've called you- instantly", he cut me off, "I always knew you were the biggest worrier of us all".

"Try having an eight-month-pregnant girlfriend and then talk to me", I shook my head, dipping my brush again, "I've barely slept in a week".

"Smoke something", he suggested and I sent him a deadpan look, "what? You should-,". I heard the door open downstairs and dropped my brush into the can, rushing out of the room while my brother was mid sentence; I heard his brush drop as he followed behind me.

Something was wrong.

As soon as I laid my eyes upon Rory, a shiver flew down my spine, even when she plastered on a smile at the pair of us.

I knew her better than that.

"What happened?", I stepped forwards before she'd even had a chance to take off both of her shoes, cupping her chin lightly in my right hand.

"What do you mean? I'm fine", the smile she tried to give me was nothing but a facade, especially when I could see the glassy look in her eyes.

"Rory", I leaned down slightly, feeling an unfamiliar sense of anger pulse through me- I wasn't an angry person, never had been and never would be, "what happened?".

"Chase, just drop it, yeah? I'll be fine", she moved her chin from my grasp and went to step past me, I latched onto her wrist to stop her.

"You'll be fine? So you're not", I stated, pressing a kiss to her forehead, "talk to me". I could feel Caleb behind me boring holes into my back, no doubtedly concerned about Rory too; they may bicker like siblings but they also got along like siblings too.

"I don't want you to get angry", she closed her eyes and exhaled, "I'm fine".

"Are you saying that to convince me or you?", I frowned, tucking some of her hair behind her ear, "just tell me yeah?".

"I couldn't reach those cookies you like on the top shelf", she started, her throat bobbing as she swallowed, "I asked a worker for help to reach it- he stood behind me...and uh, put his arm around me from behind and touched my stomach while he got the cookies down".

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