Zane & Izzy <3

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A/N - nearly 2:30am but we just hit 8k on this book sooo😛❤️

(I'm making cookies while my whole family sleeps what's wrong with me)



Call me biased, but my eldest brother's company was my favourite.

And I'm sure if you asked him the same thing, he'd say I was his favourite too.

I hoped so anyway.

It was August 11th, one day after Zane's 29th birthday and one day before my 19th, and he'd insisted on taking me out for the day, just the two of us.

"You know you'll be three decades old next year?", I faced my brother, watching him frown as he dropped one hand from the steering wheel into his lap.

"Was my birthday not less than 24 hours ago Isabella?", he asked me and I chuckled, "do you want to see me old?".

"You're already old", I waved a hand and he huffed, "where are we going?".

"Do you know the definition of the word surprise?", he raised an eyebrow and I rolled my eyes, "patience Isabella".

"Do I look like I have patience?", I sighed, he just laughed at me and kept focusing on the road, "I'm 19 tomorrow Zane".

"That you are", he hummed, "I still remember the day you came home like it was yesterday". So could I, a single suitcase in my hand, trying to remember all of my brother's names in the passenger seat of Scott's car- and now look at us.

"Three years yesterday", I grinned, "still the best birthday present you could've asked for?". I'd never forgotten the time he said that to me, Zane sure knew how to say something that would have an impact.

"Always", he nodded, a smile tugging at his lips as we pulled into a Starbucks drive-thru, "first stop of the day".


"You know what? I'm gonna do something crazy", I announced and he side eyed me hesitantly.

"Does it involve streaking?", he asked and I coughed, then burst into laughter.

"What?", I stared at him, "who the hell has been streaking in your presence?".

"I had to collect Alexander from the police station once after he ran through a parking lot", he paused, "no clothes in sight".


"Do I even wanna know why?", I dared ask and he clenched his jaw.

"Let's just get our coffees, hm? What was your crazy deed?", he drove a little further forward and I grinned, he'd been waiting years for me to say this to him.

"I wanna get a black coffee", Zane blinked, which for him was the equivalent of a fucking scream, and turned to me in an instant.

"Took your time", he muttered, a smirk tugging at his lips, "you won't regret it Isabella". I hoped not, with the way he hyped it up.


Black coffee was nowhere near as bad as I'd painted it out to be for the majority of my life; I could see why Zane was so obsessed with it.

The pair of us were sitting in the car park with our drinks, Zane had bought me ten cake pops; I devoured half in a couple minutes before deciding to slow down.

"When did you drink your first black coffee?", I asked my brother, unbuckling my seatbelt so I could face him better, even if it meant my legs burned on his black leather seats; it was shorts weather, even for Zane today.

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