Marco, Xan & Xav

652 33 18

A/N - I love every second of this 😍



Blood trickled from my knuckles and into the sink, the running water causing it to turn a light red, then completely cease to exist.

I couldn't say the same for the deep cuts on my hands, they were in need of some bandages at some point in the near future.

Oh well.

A small price to pay for the pleasure that inflicting physical pain gave me, if you will.

"Who the fuck was on the receiving end of that?", because he was placed on this planet solely to test my patience, Elijah sauntered into my en-suite as if it were his own, an amused expression on his face.

"Do I have no privacy in this house?", I ignored his question and shut off the water, inspecting my hands again, "what do you want?".

"Great to see you too", he grinned, pushing off of the doorframe and trailing behind me into the bedroom like a lost puppy, "you need to talk to Zeke". His change in tone did spike my attention however, the seriousness laced within his demand making me turn to him with furrowed brows.

"He's shut away again?", that was nothing new, Ezekiel was reserved, introverted, independent, to a fault. So much so that it worried the rest of us the vast majority of the time.

"I haven't seen him since yesterday", Eli replied, "and I know you say to leave him to come to us, but I've sat outside his fucking room for hours today, waiting- he just tells me to fuck off". I clenched my jaw, nodding to myself at this newfound information.

Zeke was struggling, that much was as clear as day, but the stubbornness that coursed through his veins meant he'd refuse to reach out, to get help. And while he'd probably copied those traits from me, it was doing him more harm than good.

I'd even gone as far as to remove the lock from his bedroom door and his bathroom, needing to be able to access both rooms straight away if necessary.

It wasn't that I didn't trust my eighteen year old brother, it was that I didn't trust his mind.

"I'll go and talk to him", I told my brother, taking two steps before my phone began vibrating in my pocket- I didn't expect to see that name on my screen when I pulled it out, "Xavier". Eli's face scrunched up in confusion too, if any of our cousins were going to call me it would be Zane, and if the twins were the ones needing to be contacted it was usually Isabella on the other end.

"Hey Marco", came his hesitant voice, "we uh, kinda possibly need a favour".

Apparently that was all I was good for.

"We?", I pulled open the drawer in my bedside table and retrieved my gun, tucking it into the holster that was still conveniently around my waist.

"Me and Xan", he clarified, "we're in jail".

Of course they were.

"We're not in jail", shuffling came from the other end and I huffed through my nostrils, I had more pressing matters to tend to at home, "this is Xander".

"I'm aware", I replied, being able to tell the difference between their voices.

"I beat the fuck out of someone, Xav paid my bail", I didn't know where I came into this equation, "I need you to drive us back to my car".

Not a please in sight.

"You have a multitude of siblings to do that, do you not?", I raked a hand through my hair and exited the room, Elijah hot on my tail. Instead of trying to get into Zeke's room as I'd planned, I brushed past his closed door and descended the stairs hastily.

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