If Santiago Was Normal...

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A/N - this took way longer than expected UGH

Weirdest thing I've produced writing this man as someone good...


Third person POV

"Hey Dad", the eldest Delgado child clambered into the passenger seat of his father's car, dropping his bag at his feet and sighing, "I'm so tired".

"School was okay?", Santiago gazed at the twelve year old fondly, starting the engine once Zane had fastened his seatbelt, "you look tired".

"Couldn't sleep, Izzy was crying a lot last night", he replied, scrunching up his face, "school was fine".

"She's teething Zay, it'll pass", he ruffled his son's hair and headed off down the street, "how's pizza sound for dinner?".

"Sounds good", Zane nodded, "are we getting Chase first?". Santiago nodded, driving the short distance to the kindergarten down the road where the middle child had spent the majority of his day.

"Wait here yeah? Two minutes", the door to the driver's side of the car shut a second later, leaving Zane sitting in a comfortable silence as he replayed his day in his head. He'd passed a spelling test, which he couldn't wait to show his parents, he'd kicked a ball around at lunch with his friends, and got picked as the star pupil of the week in class. It'd been a good day for Zane.

"Zay!", the door to the back of the car opened and the twelve year old smiled, watching his five year old brother clamber across and into his booster seat, "look! A sticker!".

"You got a sticker?", he grinned, facing Chase while Santiago buckled him in before getting back into the driver's seat, "what for?". Chase just shrugged, his tiny fingers fiddling with the glasses strapped around his head as he peered out of the window; the car heading back down the road to collect the final two children who had spent the day at school.

"Cubby?", Chase asked when the car came to a halt, "Dad, I want Cubby".

"What about Scotty?", Santiago chuckled, pushing his door open, "wait here". Zane turned back around to look at Chase, the blonde haired boy's gaze fixated out of the window as he focused on the retreating figure of his father.

"Pstt, Chasey", he snapped his head towards his oldest brother and grinned, blue eyes widening when Zane reached back and handed him a small piece of candy, "don't tell Cub or Scott". He nodded eagerly and munched away in the backseat, Zane loved to treat his siblings every now and then, especially the younger ones.

He couldn't bribe Prescott with candy like he used to.

"Zay, I want Cubby", Chase said after a moment, trying to press his face against the window, effectively making his glasses go wonky. It was no secret that Chase's favourite sibling was Caleb, the two of them only having two years between them and being closer than ever.

It was also no secret that Zane's favourite was Isabella, and he was more than eager to get home to see his two year old sister.

By the time Santiago had returned with the two remaining brothers who were in school, Zane was raring to return home; he knew both the twins and Isabella would be awaiting their arrival any minute now.


"Zay!", the boy was nearly knocked off of his feet the second he stepped into the house, the twins all but throwing themselves at him, stumbling even though the pair of them just reached his torso.

"Zay's back!", Xavier made grabby hands at his eldest brother, paying no attention to his other three brothers who had just entered the house behind him, "make cookies!".

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