Rory Having Silas...

510 18 16

A/N - Rory & Chase will always have my heart

This may not be 100% accurate I am not a doctor- far, far from it

TW - scenes some may find upsetting for pretty much the whole scene



Pregnancy was a weird fucking thing.

Growing a literal human inside of you, knowing that when the nine months were over you'd be going home from the hospital with a baby, enduring the crying, the diapers, but also cherishing every second, every smile, every sound- it was a beautiful thing.

Until it wasn't.

My waters had broken.

You may be thinking, 'Rory, that's normal, it's happening' - and sure, it was happening.

Two months fucking early.

I was barely thirty weeks pregnant, not thirty-seven, where I was supposed to be...and I was in labour.

And I was freaking the hell out.

"Something's wrong Chase, what's wrong with him?", I rubbed my stomach, shifting uncomfortably on the towel that Chase had put down on the passenger seat, "this shouldn't be happening".

"I know, everything's gonna be okay when we get to the hospital, yeah?", he rubbed my thigh with one hand, the other gripping the wheel until his knuckles turned white, "she okay back there?". Sienna was completely knocked out in the backseat, she'd been napping when this had all happened and hadn't woken up even when her father carried her out to the car, nor when I was crying out in pain due to contractions.

Contractions that I shouldn't have been feeling for another two months.

Our baby boy was due in October, it was only a couple days into August, we hadn't had time to prepare for this.

"She's fine", I nodded, squeezing my eyes shut as I was overtaken by another wave of pain, "Chase".

"Right here", he murmured, lifting one of my hands and pressing a kiss to it, "you're okay, you're both gonna be okay".

How I fucking hoped he was right.


I was barely staying sane when the car came to a halt, Chase all but flying out of the driver's side and opening Sienna's door, I managed a small smile when his eldest brother rushed over to the car and took his three year old niece from him.

"She's fine with us, keep us updated", Zane told Chase, kissing Sienna's forehead and sending me a smile through the open door, "you'll be fine Aurora".

He didn't know that.

I mouthed a 'thank you', tipping my head back and keeping my hands firmly planted on my stomach, rubbing small circles with my thumbs; Chase jumped back into the car and spun out of Zane's drive, heading in the direction of the hospital.

"What if something's really wrong, Chase? What if he-,", I turned to face the window and sniffed, I couldn't break down now, "I can't lose him, I can't- I can't let you down-,".

"Don't for a second think that you're letting me down, that you'd ever let me down", he shook his head incredulously, stopping at a red light, "you've carried our son for seven months, and sure this isn't what we expected- and it's so fucking scary, but I believe without a doubt in my mind you'll both be fine".

"I want to believe you", I said weakly, facing him as he focused on the road again when the light went green, "I really wanna believe you Chase, but-,".

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