Izzy's 19th <3

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A/N - two hours after midnight but let's pretend it's not❤️

If you wondered how Izzy spent her 19th today...



Today was gonna be a great fucking day.

After 365 long days of waiting, relentless teasing from the twins, counting down the days on my calendar, I was finally nineteen.

About time.

After Zane's not-so-exciting birthday two days ago where he'd fallen ill with food poisoning (and was still somewhat recovering), I was determined to bring some excitement into the house today.

Ezra had slept over last night, and upon shaking me awake at nine o'clock already fully dressed and holding a bouquet of flowers in his hands, I knew today was gonna be a great fucking day. He'd told me he was taking me out for breakfast and to shower and get ready, I didn't complain and listened straight away.

"Any reason we're going so early?", I asked Ezra the second we were in his car; all of my brothers were still asleep so we'd managed to slip out completely unnoticed.

"Because we're going for breakfast", he deadpanned, holding a hand on the back of my headrest and reversing out of the drive, "we're not gonna go in the night, are we?".

"You're hilarious", I shoved his shoulder to which he laughed, "do the guys know we've gone out, or did you technically just kidnap me?".

"Not kidnapping if you came with me willingly", he pointed out with a smirk, "I told Zane last night". I wondered how that went.

"And he said yeah?", I asked, fiddling with the bottom of the T-shirt I'd stolen from him.

"I didn't ask, I told him I was taking you", he lifted a shoulder, "he nodded and told me to drive safely, which basically means he loves me now right?".

"One hundred percent", I entertained the idea, knowing Zane would probably always be overprotective of me, "how far is it?".

"Ten minutes?", he shrugged, "open the glove compartment". I did as he said, my lips stretching into a smile when I saw a small wrapped box with a bow- the surprises just kept on coming.

"I'm intrigued", I tore off the silver paper and lifted the lid of the black velvet box, gasping when I saw what was inside.

A fuzzy tortoise..thing that could fit into my palm, it wasn't until Ezra spoke up that I realised how stupid I was.

"Lift the shell darlin'", he laughed, and feeling like an idiot I obliged, gasping again when I saw what was inside the tortoise shaped jewellery box. A simple yet beautiful gold ring with a small heart engraved onto it, I slid it onto my middle finger without a second thought, leaning over and kissing Ezra's cheek twice.

"I love it, thank you", beaming from ear to ear I returned to my seat properly, admiring the new piece of jewellery on my hand, "I love you".

"I love you", he reached out for my hand and squeezed it before placing it on the gearstick under his; so far so good.


We pulled up outside of the familiar pancake place no more than ten minutes later, and while I was eager to get out of the car and fill my empty stomach, Ezra stayed exactly where he was.

"I lied to you", his announcement made me frown, "it's not just us having breakfast together".

"Okay...", I said slowly, squinting out of the window, "who else is here? Eli and Aleja? Don't tell me Xav and Xan are secretly-,".

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