Zane & Cairo <3

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A/N - here we go...

TW for basically the whole scene ❤️

Like I said, it's up to you to decide which ones you think would've happened...for me I think only the one with Nix would've actually taken place...

Enjoy ;)


Zane Telling His Siblings...


"Why have you gathered all of us this fucking early?", the joyous complaints of my youngest brother filled the room and everyone rolled their eyes, Caleb going as far as to slap him on the head, "prick".

"Someone rolled out of the wrong side of bed", Isabella teased, curling up in her fluffy robe beside Xavier.

"I should still be in bed", he scoffed, fiddling with his black T-shirt, "my boyfriend is still at home, in bed". They were just as inseparable as Phoenix and I, it was a shame he was still asleep upstairs, and I couldn't bring myself to wake him.

He'd have to hear this story another day.

"Are you okay?", Prescott's question made me turn to him, "nobody in their right mind calls their siblings from all over the place to gather at eleven in the morning".

"I'm-,", I refrained from saying okay, running a hand down my face, "I've been thinking".

"That's new", Caleb muttered, earning himself a slap from Chase, "fuck".

"About what?", Isabella asked and I tensed, knowing she had no clue whatsoever about this story, this person, but knowing she needed to be here nonetheless.

"Something-,", I shook my head and clenched my jaw, "someone".

"Him?", Alexander scoffed, "if you woke me up and called me here to dig up shit about our-,".

"Cairo", everyone in the room fell silent, Isabella's eyebrows furrowing, "you remember him?".

"Who's Cairo?", our sister asked, that question alone making my heart rate quicken, she should've met him.

"He was Zane's friend, when we were younger", Chase informed her, "they had an argument though, and we didn't see him again-,".

"Boyfriend", I whispered, every pair of eyes in the room snapping towards me in the blink of an eye, "he was my boyfriend".

"I fucking knew it", Caleb whispered, "and you told me not to say anything". He elbowed Prescott in the side and he rolled his eyes, looking at me with a pitiful look- they hadn't heard anything yet.

"Because they argued and we never saw him again", he elbowed him back- grown adults, "so you two broke up?". My pulse raced, my legs beginning to bounce...maybe I shouldn't have called them all here in the first place.

"Can someone fill me in?", Isabella pleaded, "who's Cairo?".

"We met when I was eighteen", I barely recognised my own voice right now, "the day after Santiago got arrested..he worked in a coffee shop called The Steam Room-,".

"You've taken me there before", she nodded in remembrance, "so you two started dating?".

"It took a while for me to let him in", I wrung my fingers together and avoided eye contact with any of them, "but yes, we loved each other, I didn't see it being anyone else but him".

"It was a little after Chase's twelfth birthday, Zane told us he and Cairo had to tell us something", Prescott recalled, I didn't expect their memory to be this good, "we never saw him again".

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