Ezra & Izzy Fight

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A/N - short but sweet❤️

*this is more of an argument than a full blown fight I can't picture these two having a screaming match*



I'd been having a shit week.

Between the fight with Eli, the argument with my Dad, and my best friend barely returning any of my calls while he was away at college, it had been getting shitter and shitter.

And then my car broke down on the way to pick Izzy up for a date.

Fuck my life.

After smacking my steering wheel a few times and probably looking like I'd lost all remaining sanity, I decided calling my girlfriend was probably beneficial, praying she wasn't too pissed off.

"Ezra", she picked up on the first ring, I could hear the smile in her voice, "you on your way? I got you these flowers that-,".

"Darlin'", I cut her off, hating to be the bearer of bad news.

"That sounds like you have bad news", she said, "you okay? Is it Eli?".

"No, nothin' like that", I promised, "I uh- my car's broken down".

"Shit", she sighed, "where are you?".

"About ten minutes from yours", I muttered, "I'd call my Pops to come check it out, but I ain't speaking to him Izzy".

"Ezra-,", as much as I appreciated her concern, I wasn't budging- he could have the silent treatment for a few more days.

"I'm not speaking to him", I repeated and her sigh filled the air, "just- we might have to postpone the date, I was gonna ask a favour".

"Anything", she replied, "unless you're about to ask me to fix your car".

"No, not that", I chuckled, "can you pick me up please? I promise I'll make it up to you".

"Course", I heard rustling coming from her end, "you okay? You sound...on edge". She knew me too well.

"I'm okay", I lied through my teeth and she hummed, not believing it for a second.

"Send me your location", was all she said, pausing for a moment, "I love you".

And she hung up before I could even reply.



My girlfriend's white Range Rover pulled up in front of me about ten minutes later, and when she didn't make a move to get out I climbed out of mine and locked the piece of shit before climbing into her passenger seat.

"I love you too", I kissed her cheek and she tried to hide her smile, starting the engine again.

"You're just leaving it here?", she asked, "you don't wanna call-,".

"I'm not calling him, what part of that don't you get Izzy?", I snapped, feeling her tense beside me, "I'm sorry, I-,".

"I was gonna say why don't you call Maceo, but whatever", she scoffed, pulling off the sidewalk and heading down the street.

"Darlin'", well now I felt like shit, and rightly so, "I didn't mean to snap". We sat in silence for an excruciatingly long minute before she finally spoke up, her voice quiet and apprehensive.

"You mean you didn't mean to snap at me", my eyebrows furrowed in confusion and she must've sensed it, even when her eyes weren't on me, "you've been doing it to people all week Ezra, whether you realise it or not- and you won't talk to me".

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