Rory Meeting the Family

711 16 17

A/N - continuing the couples' streak...



There were two things I despised in my life.

Throwing up, and driving.

I'd thrown up this morning, and now I was driving- so things weren't going well.

"You're squeezing the wheel like you're strangling someone", Rory laughed at me, reaching over and running a hand through my hair, "you're more nervous than me".

"You're meeting my family", I turned to her and she waved a hand, "and you're not nervous?".

"You say that like I'm supposed to be", she unbuckled her belt and brought her knees up to her chest- was she crazy?

"I'm driving", I told her, hesitantly reaching over and placing a hand on her knee.

"And you're doing a great job", she nodded, "I don't know why you hate it".

"Your life is in my hands", I told her, trying to push her legs down.

"And I trust you completely", she grinned, lowering her legs regardless, "chill Chase, you're getting worked up over something exciting".

"I am excited", I told her, "I'm also the first person to bring someone home".

"Look at you, setting trends", she chuckled, "are the matching outfits too overboard?". That made me smile, the coordinated outfits were our thing, we always had the same colour somehow, or at least one of the same items of clothing on.

Today we were in matching beige cargos, I was wearing a brown hoodie and Rory was wearing a brown cropped tank top; her hair in two french braids which showed off the tattoo behind her right ear. We were sixteen now, and it wasn't exactly legal, but somehow she'd done it- and she'd gotten it for me.

A small tattoo of the sign for 'I love you' in ASL, and I may or may not have cried when she'd shown me it as my sixteenth birthday present.

Her parents weren't as approving, but Rory was spontaneous and they knew it.

"They're not overboard", I promised, gulping as I pulled into the driveway, "we're here".

"Your house is huge Chase", she breathed out, practically pressing her face against the glass, "you live here?".

"No, we're renting it", I deadpanned and she slapped me lightly, "you nervous yet?".

"I don't get nervous", she said proudly, "as long as they don't hate me".

"They won't hate you, they'll love you", I knew that was true, my brothers would like anyone I liked, anyone who made me happy, "come on". I got out of the car and quickly circled it, opening her door and holding out a hand for her.

"Such a gentleman", she grinned, intertwining our fingers as we headed towards the door; I just hoped Caleb kept his mouth shut, he had a knack for not thinking before he spoke, Xav too.


I unlocked the front door and was shocked to hear complete silence, with the twins under this roof that was as unlikely as Caleb getting into a relationship that didn't consist of a one-night stand.

Sorry Cub.

"It's quiet", Rory commented, "you told me it'd be loud". I watched as she began to remove her shoes, placing them neatly next to all of the ones that were thrown down.

"I thought it would be", I told her, "you don't have to-,".

"Basic manners Chase, course I'm gonna take them off", she rolled her eyes with a smile, "something smells good though".

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