Caleb + Delilah pt.2

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A/N - I think breaking your hearts and re reading part 1 is beneficial ❤️❤️

TW for the whole chapter I apologise <3



I'd never felt this numb in my life.

After the absolute shitshow of last night I'd crashed in Theo's room with him, sleep barely finding its way to either of us: me because of the noise in my head, and him because I was certain he was scared I was gonna do something to myself. Despite the pair of us lying in his bed for hours with our backs to the other, I knew he was there, listening to everything I wasn't saying aloud.

By the time the sun rose and I heard Delilah and Reed getting up with the twins for school, Theo and I decided to crawl out of his room and go downstairs; as much as I wanted the ground to swallow me whole, I knew that wasn't the best way to go about today.

I had a feeling it was gonna be worse than yesterday.

"How come Teddy gets to have sleepovers on school days?", Amelia asked the second we entered the room, unfazed by my presence in their house. Gray didn't even look up from his bowl of cereal, the pair of them thinking this was just one of my regular visits - not Reed though.

Assuming Delilah had filled him in on last night's events and judging by the way he was watching me from the other side of the room, he knew I wasn't okay.

"We're not in school any-anymore", Theo rolled his eyes and dropped onto the seat beside his sister, gesturing for me to sit to his left, I could just feel his parents' eyes on me as I moved to take a seat.

"You two go make sure your bags are packed, hm?", Reed ordered and Amelia scoffed.

"It is packed", she replied and Gray grabbed her shoulder, "ow!".

"They obviously wanna have a conversation we can't hear", he muttered, cocking his head, "come on". She narrowed her eyes at her parents and brother before smiling at me, leaving the kitchen side-by-side with her twin; god I hated the fucking silence.

"How are you feeling today honey?", Delilah came over, rubbing my shoulder and pressing a kiss into Theo's hair, "get any sleep?".

"Like shit", I shrugged, "and not really". The reality of what had happened last night was slowly but surely settling in; I was gonna have to face my eldest brother today whether I liked it or not.

"I spoke to Zane", my heart fucking stopped beating and I glanced at Theo, he shook his head slightly as if to say 'don't worry about it'- but I was worrying, so fucking bad, "I didn't reveal much, just told him to come over as soon as he can- I think we all need to sit down and talk".

Talk. There was nothing more I hated than fucking talking.

"He's gonna fucking kill me", I dropped my head into my hands and sighed, "he's gonna be so disappointed in me and-".

"Shut the fuck up", Theo snapped and I raised my head, looking to my right and making eye contact with him.

"Theodore", Reed warned and he scrunched his face up.

"No, I'm not- I'm not listening to him say-say shit like that!", he exclaimed, looking back to me, "you could've died last- last- last night, but you're still here...why would any-any-anyone be disappointed at that?".

"You don't get it", I shook my head, feeling my eyes well up for the hundredth time in 24 hours, "and I mean this with no offence, but you don't get what it's like to be me, to come from my family- your parents are fucking everything man, they love you more than themselves and probably always will. I never had that- will never have that. I have Zane. He's been the one looking after us for six years, putting us before him, making sure we have everything- and I'm throwing it all back in his face- I'm letting him down". I dropped my face into my hands as my shoulders shook, tears spilling from my eyes freely as Delilah rubbed my back, shushing me gently.

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