Mum's Anniversary

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A/N - said I'd be back😛😛

Apparently I can't write more than a few lighthearted scenes at once so this one's a little depressing but one of my favs❤️

TW - themes of grief throughout <3



Six years.

It'd been six years since I'd last seen my mother.

And between then and now, so much more than I could've ever imagined had happened.

I'd found out I had brothers, now lived with said brothers, some of those brothers had moved out, started families, I had a boyfriend, friends, a a way I think my mother's death opened up my life to so many more experiences.

And while today was a day that had gotten easier to cope with, knowing she was buried all the way in London was hurting me a little more than I was letting on. My brothers knew what day today was, yet we didn't really do anything for it; the circumstances in which they'd seen her for the last time were a lot different to mine, and half of me completely understood why they weren't eager to do something in her memory.

The other half wished they would do it for me.

"That's gonna hurt like a bitch in the morning", Xav and I were lying on Xander's bed, watching him inspect the damage from yet another fight last night.

"It is the morning", Xander scowled, groaning as he turned to face us, "is it bad?".

"Your eye is purple", I deadpanned, "looks great".

"I try", he gave a fake grin and dropped onto the bed on his stomach so I was now lying in between them, "and how are you feeling?".

"Yeah, how are you on this fine morning Izzy?", Xander reached over and smacked Xav, "ow!".

"Fine fucking morning? Really?", he muttered, "ignore him Bella, he's stupid".

"Am not", he gasped, "you're the one who went and got fucked last night".

"That sounded wrong", Xander grimaced, "back to the conversation please?".

"I'm fine", I told the pair of them, glancing between their smile and scowls.

"If there's anything I've learned about girls, it's when they say they're fine...they're not", Xander narrowed his eyes at me.

"What girls have you been around?", I asked him and Xav laughed loudly; I didn't expect to see Xander blush, "I was only teasing, I promise".

He rolled his eyes and shoved my head playfully, before his expression turned serious again, silence falling among the room.

"But seriously, how are you feeling Izzy?", Xav asked and I bit my bottom lip, knowing they were gonna pry a more detailed answer out of me eventually.

"Okay and not okay", I shrugged, "and I know you guys don't miss her-,".

"It's not that we don't miss her Bella, you've just gotta understand that we don't miss her in the same way you do", Xander tried to explain, "you grieve her passing away, and we grieve her walking out on us; you've been grieving for six years, we've been grieving for sixteen".

"Which is a ten year difference Izzy", Xav chimed in and Xander glared at him.

"She's not fucking stupid", he snapped and he surrendered, "just- we do care alright? Just not in the same way".

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