Quinn + Xander

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A/N - I'll never get over writing Xander as a dad😃



I loved Father's Day for two reasons.

One, we got to celebrate it twice a year, on both Mother's Day and on the actual day...and two, Cole and I got to spend one-on-one time with one of our dads each.

We alternated twice a year, and since I'd spent 'Mother's Day' with Dad already this year, it was my turn to hang out with Pops this June.

It had taken two months for me to convince him to take the pair of us camping, with him claiming he didn't camp because he was Alexander Delgado every single time, whatever that had to do with it.

"You're missing Shit-Talk Saturday for the first time ever, you should be ashamed", Cole leaned over the stair railing and looked down at Pops and I as I gripped the handle of my rucksack, "we're gonna have a backlog of shit to talk about". I wished he was joking, but Shit-Talk Saturdays had become more important than birthdays in this house; basically the four of us gathered in the living room and shared all the shit we'd heard about other family members during the week.

I never had anything to add, mainly because the only family member I really spent time with was Gigi at Uncle Caleb and Aunt Ky's...and the most she told me about was how her soccer games went.

I didn't mind not participating though, I just liked it when we all spent time together.

"We're ever so sorry for breaking tradition", Pops rolled his eyes, taking our sleeping bags in one hand, "ten minutes till we leave bud". I nodded, watching him head towards the car with the bags just as Cole jogged down the stairs.

"I'm surprised you ditched the books for a whole weekend", he teased, ruffling my hair, "my favourite nerd".

"Shut up", I muttered, swatting his hand away. Cole called me a nerd on a daily basis, then proceeded to beat the shit out of people who called me one in school.

"I'm an only child for two days", he beamed, poorly attempting to style his jet black hair in the mirror by the door, "just like the good old days when- fuck!". I burst out laughing when the door opened and hit him in his side, Pops on the other side looking like he couldn't care less about it.

"Well don't stand there then", was all he said, stepping past us and heading into the kitchen.

"Son of a bitch", Cole muttered, checking himself for any injuries, "it's funny huh?".

"It's karma", I shrugged and he rolled his eyes.

"You and your karma, butterfly effects and phenomenons", he teased, "living up to your name more and more Quinny". Wise. I thought that was fate: our parents' smart kid having a name that meant wise, Cole just said it made me more nerdy and I reminded him of an owl.

"And yours means victory, I don't see much of that", I said matter-of-factly and he hummed, diving forwards and pulling me into a headlock, my glasses going wonky seconds later as he roughed me up.

"Don't get mauled by a bear out there yeah? I still need you to do my homework", of course he'd say something like that, I swear my brother was put on this planet to piss people off.

"And not because you love me or anything right?", I deadpanned and he grinned, flashing that smile that barely anyone outside of this house ever saw.

"Exactly", he ruffled my hair again, then tugged on my earlobe, "can you believe I convinced Dad to take me paintballing?". I hated paintballing, we went a couple years ago and it had traumatised me; even though I'd worn like four layers I still hadn't forgotten the feeling of being shot at.

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