Ezra & Izzy Fight pt.2

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A/N - short and sweet again but here we are ❤️



The light was too much, my head spinning, mouth as dry as sandpaper.

I think I was dying.

Or still drunk.

"Ughhhhh", I groaned into my pillow, clutching my head and hating myself for drinking last night. My memory was hazy, I remembered Cay catching Amelia and I, him driving us home- my car still at Theo's.....and I threw up all over Xander.

Fuck my life.

"Ughhhhhh!", I groaned again, louder this time, as my bedroom door flew open with no warning whatsoever, I spun onto my back and was met with the cheery aura expression of Xav, it was too early for this.

"The beast has awakened!", he announced and I covered my ears, "get your ass up little sister, Xan made you breakfast- although I guess it's more lunch".

"What time is it?", wait, "Xan made me breakfast? He doesn't wanna kill me?".

"Not right now, no", he smiled sheepishly, "I think I heard him crying in the shower while he was scrubbing your...yeah off of him- oh and it's three".

"PM?", I sat up and grabbed my head, the room was definitely still spinning, "I can't believe I threw up on him".

"It made my year, so thank you", he grinned, "your braid looks...interesting". I patted a hand on the back of my head and snorted.

"Zane did it", I replied and he chuckled, "I need water".

"So get your ass up", he clapped his hands and I flipped him off, he was fucking crazy.


The kitchen was dead silent when I entered it, all of my present brothers' eyes on me and only me, I wanted to shrivel into a ball and force them to forget everything they'd seen last night.

"Here she is...drunken beauty", Caleb grinned, breaking the silence as I dropped onto a chair at the kitchen island, "you look like shit princesa".

"I feel like shit, Caleb", I replied, finding it in myself to make eye contact with Xander, "Xan". He moved his gaze away from me, dropping it to the plate of bacon, eggs and toast and hash browns before placing it in front of me and stepping back.

"Bella", he nodded, moving away hastily- great.

"I take it you're hungover mi amor?", Zane spoke up, trying to hide a smile as he sipped his coffee.

"What did I miss?", Phoenix asked from beside him, "I slept through something, clearly".

"I'll do the honours", Xav shot up, "Izzy came home drunk because she had an argument with Ezra, she told us she was sober, that she had two drinks while holding up four fingers, Xan started tickling her and she threw up all over him-,".

"I don't wanna relive that shit Xav", Xander snapped, "you're lucky I didn't drown myself in bleach last night".

"Alexander", Zane warned and he rolled his eyes.

"You try getting vomited on Zane", he scoffed, "maybe I'll get drunk tonight, see how you like it".

"I really am sorry Xan", I sighed, poking my eggs with my fork while Phoenix buried his face in Zane's shoulder to laugh, "I didn't mean to-,".

"Don't say it", he cut me off, "it's done now, yeah? Just let me recover in peace".

And with that, he took his food and disappeared upstairs.

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