Scott's 26th <3

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A/N - short but sweet it's Scott's birthday today 🥹



I was awoken by being slapped in my face repeatedly.

It took me a few seconds to take in my surroundings and realise what was happening, the light blows to my cheeks coming from one person and one person only.

"Good morning to you too", I grumbled, lifting Kade under his armpits and raising him into the air as he laughed, way too much energy for the morning, "how long have you been up, hm?".

I lowered him onto my chest where he reached for my chain immediately, babbling to himself as I made eye contact with Makayala who was standing in the doorway to our bedroom, a tray in her hands and a grin on her face.

"Happy birthday!", she beamed, coming over and lowering the tray onto her unoccupied side of the bed, the sight of bacon, eggs, waffles, hash browns...and an energy drink, making my mouth water and my stomach grumble.

"You didn't have to-", I sat Kade on my lap as I moved so I was sitting against the headboard, smiling as Kayla kissed me to shut me up.

"This is the least I could do", she rolled her eyes, kissing Kade on the forehead before sitting beside us, "plus, you're the one who can cook, this is probably mediocre at best".

"Nothing you do is mediocre", I told her, smoothing a hand over our son's head, "thank you, I love it". I wasn't big on my birthday, never had been and never would be, it was just another day for me; everyone around me knew that so I wasn't expecting anything big today, I was perfectly content with spending time with my very-soon-to-be wife, my son, and my family.

"Let's let Daddy have his breakfast, hm?", Makayla took Kade from me as I reached for the tray of food onto my lap, cracking open the can of energy drink eagerly, "how did you sleep? I was certain I heard you get up at some point". I had, I'd ended up sitting in the dark kitchen for a while, then whipping up a batch of banana muffins, Kade's favourite.

"Woke up at about two", I lifted a shoulder, tucking into my food, "then did some baking, came back to bed at four?".

"That explains the muffins", she chuckled, "you had one for breakfast, right?". She bounced Kade on her legs and he laughed, clapping his hands for added measure- I'd never seen a kid cuter than him, and that wasn't just me being biassed.

"Dada", I thought he was reaching for me, but instead his tiny hand landed in my eggs, grabbing a fistful for himself and shoving them into his mouth before either of us could react.

"You are something else", Kayla shook her head, checking he hadn't tried to eat too much before rolling her eyes, "let's go and clean you up". He started to fuss the second he was lifted away, heading towards our en-suite and wiggling in his mother's hold; I'd never seen a baby who wanted to be any more independent than he was.


By the time I'd finished breakfast and washed up, Makayla had gotten herself and Kade dressed, then situated our son in his playpen where he was trying to chew on every ball in the ball-pit...well then. I'd been about to go and get ready too when the doorbell rang, it was barely midday so I didn't know who would be here at this time.

"It's so fucking early", my youngest brother grumbled the second he entered my home, a large cakebox in his arms and his boyfriend right behind him, "how do people fucking function at this fucking hour?".

Jax rolled his eyes as Xan walked straight past me and into the kitchen, it didn't take a genius to figure out he was pissed off- when wasn't he to be honest?

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