2nd Gen at the Beach

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A/N - this came to me randomly a whole 4k words for you guys 🫶🏾🫶🏾

Haven't written 2nd gen in AGES



"You're up early", I peeled my attention away from my phone screen and looked over at Dad who had just strolled into the room, "I'm surprised to see you up before midday".

"First time for everything", I smirked, rising to my feet and stretching, "gotta pick up Sienna and Silas in fifteen, probably won't be back till dinner". He hummed, opening the fridge and retrieving an energy drink that he cracked open instantly; only he could drink one of those at not even eleven in the morning.

"It's great that you're all going out like this", he turned around with a smile, "reminds me of when we were younger".

"A lifetime ago then?", I teased, smirking when he gave me the middle finger, "did you sleep last night?". I rounded the counter and grabbed an apple from the fruit bowl, towering over my father by a good few inches.

"An hour tops", he lifted a shoulder and I hummed, "don't tell your mother".

"I'm not lying to her if she asks", I rolled my eyes, he knew I could never lie to her- and neither could he, "and she will ask".

"I know", he muttered, chugging the rest of his drink before sighing, "you'll keep an eye on G, hm? You're the oldest Kade-,".

"I know, she'll be fine", our thirteen year old cousin was tagging along today, and while Gigi was practically eight years younger than I was, she was great company.

And got away with pissing off Luke and Cole, so that was a bonus I supposed.

"Wanna take a banana muffin for the road?", Dad asked, nodding towards a tin on the counter, "made some last night". It was like the only time he baked was in the middle of the night now, and I could never say no to a banana muffin- they'd been my favourite for as long as I could remember.

"You know me so well", I mused, taking three from the tin and smirking when he laughed, I could do no wrong in his eyes.


The drive to Uncle Chase and Aunt Rory's wasn't that long, but I'd stopped for gas and to eat two of my muffins, so it had added a little more time on. I didn't know how I'd been dragged into or agreed to be my cousins' chauffeur today, especially when Sienna literally had a car- more fool me I guessed.

"Your favourite cousin is back!", the twenty year old exclaimed, all but throwing herself into the passenger seat while Silas did so at a more civilised pace, "look alive Kadey".

"Your enthusiasm is too much for this time", Dad was right, it was rare for me to show my face before midday pretty much on a daily basis, "Silas".

"Kadence", he grinned, leaning forward and ruffling my hair- the two of them were a pain in my ass most of the time, "is that a banana muffin? Can I-,". I smacked his hand when he reached forwards, he hissed and retracted it instantly.

"I'll throw you out before we've moved", I warned him, Sienna's laughter filling my ears.

"Don't mess with his banana muffins Si, you know that", she told her brother, the freshly seventeen year old just surrendered and sat back with a huff.

"Worth a shot", he muttered, clicking his seatbelt into place, "Mum and Dad were still asleep, that's how you know we're crazy". Another person basically telling me I could still be in bed right now.

"I'm excited", Sienna grinned, fiddling with the bottom of her huge ass t-shirt, "I'm in my bikini and ready to tan".

"You can literally tan in the garden", I could hear the eye roll in Silas' voice as I pulled off the sidewalk and started driving, "I wanna be buried in the sand". Of course he did.

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