Izzy & Xan </3

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A/N - tears FLOWED writing this TW for this scene

If you want to jog your memory (I did and it broke me)...Chapters 36-7 of Delgado ❤️



"We're like magnets, maybe Zane was right- even when we're in different countries", I frowned at Ezra through my phone screen, watching him throw an arm behind his head and lean back against the wall, "what?".

"Don't agree with Zane, especially since he said we spend too much time together", I told him and he chuckled, "him and Nix need to look in the mirror".

"Preach darlin'", he nodded, "don't act like seeing him happy doesn't make you happy though".

"I know", I smiled, sighing as the house came closer into my view; what was meant to be a short walk had turned into an hour, and I'd been on facetime with Ezra (who was still in Cuba for the next thirteen days) the entire time.

"You nearly home?", my boyfriend asked, trying to peer behind me as if he was here.

"Eager to get rid of me?", I raised an eyebrow, he rolled his eyes in reply and flashed me a grin.

"Never darlin'", he promised, "how's Xan been doin'?". It'd been a week since my brother had been attacked, and he was...different.

Usually outspoken, cocky, trying to piss us off, had turned into silence, shutting himself away, and jumping at the slightest noise. What had happened to him had really messed him up, or set him back as I'd overheard Xav saying to Caleb in the kitchen yesterday. I know he'd told me last week that he just needed to be angry for a while, I couldn't shake the feeling of uselessness as he continued to shut himself away.

"Quiet. Keeping to himself", I mumbled, "I feel like I should be doing more". He just nodded for a moment, drawing his bottom lip into his mouth momentarily before straightening up.

"Like he told you, I think he just needs to hurt for a little darlin", he smiled weakly, "tell him you're there for him, just be there physically". I could do that.

"Thank you", I needed to hear that. He just waved me off with a lift of his lips, moving positions and lying down on his bed as I fished around in the pocket of my hoodie to retrieve my house keys.

"You look beautiful", he said out of nowhere as I stepped inside, putting down my keys and kicking off my shoes.

"I'm literally just standing here", my cheeks heated, I closed the front door and stepped into the kitchen with a frown, "it's silent in here".

"Who said you have to be doin' something to look beautiful?", he scoffed, "maybe you're home alone?". That can't have been right, Xan hadn't left the house once since what had happened, but I couldn't vouch for Xav, Cay, Phoenix or Zane. I manoeuvred over to the coffee machine, letting out a breathy chuckle when I noticed the post-it note stuck to it; the familiar scrawl of my eldest brother's handwriting staring right back at me.

"Taken Phoenix for lunch, Xavier's with Addison, Caleb's at his gym, Alexander's asleep upstairs", I read it aloud, scrunching up my face, "he can't even shorten our names in a note?".

"Apparently not", Ezra snorted, "so you're home with Xan".

"I'm home with Xan", I repeated, scrunching up the note and pocketing it, "I'm gonna go shower and sleep, call you later?".

"Always", he beamed widely, "I love you".

"I love you", we cut the call and I sighed, turning on my heel and heading upstairs; debating whether to check in on Xan but deciding against it...I was sure he'd wake up and be all for being sociable later.

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