Domestic Day

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Shikamaru was quietly snoring away in his boyfriend's bed, thankful for the consistent warmth he was feeling as it snowed outside. He didn't want to go home so he settled in his bed for the coming days. Naruto was at the end of the bed scribbling in his journal which Shikamaru would read when he woke up. Naruto looked up at him and smiled, Shikamaru wouldn't admit it but he was incredibly soft-looking when he slept. He frowned at his thin wrist and it was a reminder that he needed to start cooking. Shikamaru had a bad habit, he always missed meals because he wanted nothing more than to sleep away when he wasn't on missions. And even when on missions he would feast on food pills.

"I should be taking care of you more, no wonder you're always cold during winter," Naruto muttered as he crawled over Shikamaru to place his journal on the bed shelf above him. He kissed the other's forehead before heading into the kitchen. He had picked up some cooking from Ayame and Teuchi since he was a kid, so he could build some nice dishes that cater to Shikamaru's tastes.

He wasn't a picky eater but he knew the other hated boiled eggs. Anything else was either a hard yes or neutral. He shuffled around the kitchen intent on making a Beef and Soba bowl for dinner. He shivered a bit as a slight draft came through the room and turned up his heater before heading back to the food. As he fell into the methodic ways of cooking in the other room Shikamaru reached up lazily to take down the thick journal he knew held new content. He curled up on his side as he flipped through the book with care, making sure not to crease any pages as Naruto was heavily annoyed by that.

He smiled softly as he saw a sketch of himself within the pages, he was sleeping of course and he was supposed to be on a date. He chuckled at the accurate details Naruto entailed in the piece before skipping along with the pages. He reached the new entry and smiled, it was a short story, he had expected a poem but more content meant he got to stay immersed longer. He idly traced the words with his fingers, not wanting to speed through it as he did with official documents. Naruto's thoughts and words are precious and meant for him and him alone. He would treasure them.


"Baby wake up for me," Naruto called as he gently shook Shikamaru's shoulder. He was clutching his journal and his hair was a complete mess around his pillows but he didn't budge. Naruto sighed with a fond smile as he began peppering kisses on his face. Shikamaru began whining and shied away from Naruto who held him still and woke him up. "Come on baby wake up, you have to eat, you need to eat. No more sleeping, for now, don't want you to lose any more weight. You don't want me to worry right?"

Shikamaru opened his eyes and locked them with Naruto's, he didn't want the other to worry. He's painfully aware he has an eating issue, it isn't severe but he could do with not skipping meals sleeping was such a wonderful experience but if it makes Naruto or his parents worry then he could make the effort to at least eat before hibernating. "Okay, I'll come to eat dinner," Shikamaru reached up and delicately held onto Naruto's sweater and tugged lightly. Naruto squealed and scooped him up.

Shikamaru buried his face in his shoulder and inhaled his cinnamon scent. He smiled as he felt the other's heated hands stroke his back and thighs. Everything was just so warm when it came to Naruto, he felt like he was floating as they headed out to the living room. He was overtaken by the scent of beef, his stomach made a grumble they both could feel and they giggled. "See this is why you eat, come here," Naruto slowly got them around the kotatsu and Shikamaru sighed in pleasure as his feet were warmed up. "I seriously think winter is your favorite time."

"You get to bring out all the thick blankets, who wouldn't love winter," Shikamaru said in an unnaturally soft voice, he had a wide sleepy grin on his face as he pulled one of the bowls towards him. "Thanks, Naru, I'll finish it, I promise."

Naruto watched him as he began eating, it was slow but it was cute anyway, and as long as he was eating Naruto couldn't complain. Naruto tore through his meal as usual, it was no secret Naruto loved food. He couldn't imagine skipping a meal, especially with all the crazy training he does daily. Speaking of which he had a spar with Sasuke in three days. The Uchiha was the blonde's best friend and was even the one to point out Shikamaru's crush on him.

'I'm oblivious sue me.' Naruto thought fondly as he watched the other play around with his soba before eating it. It was awkward to approach the other since Shikamaru was on the verge of dropping into a deep sleep but Naruto got it out and suddenly Shikamaru didn't want to sleep. It was after the graduation teams were called out and they were heading for lunch. Shikamaru had gone to the roof to sleep.

He confessed, that Shikamaru accepted him and that started their relationship, and now years later with both of them being 18, he planned to propose. 6 years was a long time for someone to put up with Naruto romantically and not be awarded. He remembered his insecurities, things he dared not share with Sasuke because the Uchiha was going on with a lot at the same time. Shikamaru helped him and he, in turn, helped the other but back then it was vaguer. He would cook the other lunches, big lunches. He knew Shikamaru was confused about it but Naruto refused to comment, it was only after Yoshino praised him for helping her son eat more did Shikamaru put it together.

Naruto didn't like how light Shikamaru felt, he was a skinny kid growing up too so it made him uneasy that the Nara was so slim. Over the years he's tried different ways to get him to put on weight or regulate what he had on already. It's helped, Shikamaru managed to pull off a growth spurt, and now he was lean with slight muscles, Naruto still found him to be on the skinny side but he chalked it up to him being much more muscle-defined. "It's really good, thanks Naru," Shikamaru pushed his bowl away and yawned. It was empty and Naruto called a victory that day.

Shikamaru crawled into his lap and settled down for a cat nap as Naruto curled around him as well. "You're always so warm, it's part of the reason I love you so much."

Naruto smiled and nuzzled the other's cheek and they entered a long loving kiss, Shikamaru smiled into it as he pushed back against Naruto who retaliated. Shikamaru gasped and Naruto took the chance to enter his tongue slowly, slight slurping could be heard as they stroked and explored each other's mouths. When they pulled back Shikamaru was buckling down for hibernation and Naruto was content to watch him relax completely in his arms. "I love you too Maru."

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