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Shikadai could hear the cursing before he even entered the Clan Compound. It was always like this every Christmas. He could see the Clan Christmas Tree from the entrance because his grandmother was just that extravagant. Inojin stood next to him nervously as he looked at the Christmas joy around him. Children ran past wearing knitted hats and gloves he knew Shikadai's grandmother was responsible for. He was going to be formally introduced as his boyfriend, it was the first time he was so nervous to see Naruto. Back when he was a kid it was fine because Naruto had the sweetest aura and loved children to death. Now he was going to be sized up as a potential partner for his dearly loved grandbaby.

The cursing came from Kurama who had to multitask carrying the donated decorations from each family within the compound. Granted it was the only strenuous exercise he got out of the year as the rest was spent in deep slumber in the garden. Peace had really made Kurama calm, like a baby fox. Naruto on the other hand was prepping for Christmas dinner. As Shikadai approached the main clan home he could hear the magic Naruto worked going on in the kitchen. The chopping of knives, the slamming of the fridge, the sound of pots clanging. He could hear singing as well and he figured Naruto was especially happy today.

He had called last night saying he was bringing Inojin over and Naruto quickly called him out on it. "That boy better be visiting as your lover or so help me god I'll knock you out of this Compound."

Retired he may be but Naruto could still split the world in half. Shikadai opened the door and was clouded in the scent of good cooking. 'And this is what happens when you cook with love. As cheesy as it sounds.'

"Baa-chan we're here!" He called out, the chopping paused and Naruto came out of the kitchen looking like a housewife who was getting shit done.

He smiled brightly as Shikadai ran over and buried the small blonde in his arms

He smiled brightly as Shikadai ran over and buried the small blonde in his arms. He had become as tall as Shikamaru who was in the living room with Temari setting up decorations. "Hey, you made it, put your things upstairs. Guest bedroom at the end of the hall."

Shikadai nodded but turned and took Inojin's hand in his. "Baa-chan this is my boyfriend, Inojin."

Inojin bowed his head to the short blonde who tilted his head with a small smile. "He's so beautiful," Naruto caressed his cheeks and pinched them softly. "Shika you're so lucky. Don't be too lazy or he might leave you."

Inojin grinned and hugged Naruto. "Thank you for accepting me!"

"I've known since you guys were that this was on the table. Can't really fool me I know what love looks like," Naruto giggled as he watched the pale-blonde-haired boy blush. "Now head up and settle in I still have cooking to do."

As they headed upstairs Naruto's demeanor changed. His eyes became dull and he hugged himself. Looking at his son and grandbaby was reminding him of what's been happening since the start of the Christmas season. He thought he had grieved his husband long enough to be content with living out his final years in peace but the illusions won't stop. He'd wake up in chills only to see Shikaku watching him from across the room. He would smile at him, call his name gently and Naruto could only close his eyes tight and beg for it to stop.

Why was this happening now?!

When he could finally look Shikamaru and Shikadai in the eyes without seeing some after image of Shikaku. He knew it was ridiculous but he felt like he was going senile. They just kept coming, always smiling at him, calling his name like a whisper in his ear. Professing his love for Naruto. It had escalated to the point that it was no longer at night. During the day he could feel the presence watching him keenly. It had to be an illusion, what else could it be?

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