Darling Angel

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For 30 years Shikamaru always knew he was a bit weird. His life plan had always been laid out for him by his clan. But then he diverted a little and got someone who was nowhere near the plan that had been laid out for him. Granted he didn't have to follow the plan anymore but he liked having a pattern of events. But this was different.

He was different.

He met Naruto when he was heading to work and the blonde was his server at the local coffee shop. He was 16 and full of life with everything he did. He was always friendly to Shikamaru, always the one making his drinks. Shikamaru wasn't oblivious, he could tell the others liked him in some way but it was inappropriate with more than a ten-year age gap and also the fact that he is a minor, granted he was at the age of consent. Didn't mean he wanted to be one of those sleazy businessmen that preyed on high schoolers.

But the way Naruto looked at him wasn't one of lust, it was like Naruto saw something within him that the blonde craved. It didn't take long for him to find out when Naruto gave him his number. Shikamaru thought a boundary had been crossed, he looked at Naruto with disbelief in his eyes but the blonde looked away with his face turning red. "Naruto, listen I-"

"No, it's not like that," Naruto defended. "It's not like that, just please hear me out when you call me. Please?"

Shikamaru sighed. "Okay fine."

Later that night when Shikamaru was working late he decided to call the blonde. Naruto on the other end was dressed up in his big sweater, white shorts, and long socks that stopped at his knees. He was sucking on his pacifier and instantly went into a big mode when he saw the unknown number. He answered in a soft voice as he leaned against the glass sliding door that led to a small balcony in his apartment.

"You said you have something to tell me?" Shikamaru started. "What is it Naruto? You're a sweet kid-" Naruto cut him off.

"That's just it, I'm a kid," He started off nervously as he gripped his thigh tightly in anxiety. "Nara-san I'm a bit weird, I'm not normal. What I'm going to ask you is something you can reject; you can scream and curse me. You can even report me to my manager for harassment but please think about it."

Shikamaru sat up instantly as he could hear Naruto crying at the end. "I'm listening."

"I want you to be my caretaker."

Before Shikamaru could even ask what the hell he meant Naruto elaborated on what he meant.

"There are some people like me that exist. We mentally regress until we're toddlers or babies and we need someone to watch over us. They are our caretakers, our mommies or daddies by choice if you will. They can usually be our romantic partners but other times they could be close friends or relatives. I don't have a caretaker but I've always wanted one," Naruto bit his lips to keep himself from crying too hard.

Shikamaru could feel his heartbreak at the pain in his voice.

"I'm an orphan, I never had a childhood so when I started regressing, I had to learn it all on my own. When you first came in....you were just everything I imagined in a caretaker. I like your lazy demeanor, how you talked to me, and the gentle look in your eyes. I know this is highly inappropriate but I wanted to ask if you'll be my caretaker. I can show you how to but I just wanted to ask you."

Shikamaru listened to him sniffling and admitted that in all of his 30 years he has always known he was weird. But now it has become interesting. He sighed deeply. "Naruto..that's a lot to take in. I'll have to think about it."

Naruto was ecstatic, it wasn't an outright rejection. He could accept that. "Okay!"

The next day Shikamaru didn't come in at his usual time and Naruto wondered if he had turned him away from ever coming back. He was sad and made up his mind to apologize after his shift but Shikamaru was outside in casual clothes waiting for him. Naruto paused in his steps. Shikamaru turned to him as he took in the blonde without his uniform. All pastels with a straight skirt and loose sweater. He was adorable, especially when his usually caught-up blonde hair was spilling over his shoulders.

"You're here," Naruto asked in disbelief, Shikamaru smiled a bit and got up off the wall to walk over to him.

"I took the day off to familiarize myself with you. After all, you're becoming my darling angel, right?" Shikamaru reached out and caressed his head. Naruto looked up at him starry-eyed as he hugged him. "Easy now, I'm just an old man."

Naruto, however, was happy, he had finally gotten a caretaker.

Shikamaru did live up to his expectations. He spoiled Naruto rotten, loving the act of taking care of someone he considered precious. In order to watch over him always when they were both off work Naruto moved in with him after two months of testing the grounds and forming rules. Naruto in Shikamaru's eyes was a proper baby to take care of.

He was a quiet one, always playing with his toys and dressing up in his princess dresses. Shikamaru splurged on a real diamond tiara that Naruto absolutely adored, which he would wear no matter which headspace he was in. He affectionately called Shikamaru his 'Papa' as they cuddled on movie nights, listened to the others read him stories, and slept together. Naruto was always cold when he slept alone but now that he had someone, someone who cared for him he was finally warm.

Shikamaru noted that Naruto was touch-starved and he admitted that he wanted to change this permanently. He loved his blonde angel who was perfect in any way. Naruto was always waiting for him after he came home, compliant with his requests, and never threw a tantrum when he was being disciplined. The amount of parental love that overflowed from him was insane, how could he not want to protect him?

"I was unsure how I was going to take care of you. I've never done this before but now that I have, I'm so happy I didn't turn you down," Shikamaru said softly as he combed Naruto's hair, the blonde was playing with his toys and watching cartoons. He wasn't completely paying attention but adult Naruto could hear him and he was happy.

"Papa, do we have more apple juice?" Naruto looked up at him with a dopey grin. Shikamaru smiled and nodded before heading to the kitchen to indulge his darling. When he came back, he saw Naruto crying.

"Hey, hey are you okay?" Shikamaru asked as he came closer and crouched down towards him. Naruto wrapped his arms around Shikamaru's neck and cried into his chest. "Naruto?"

"Nothing, I'm just happy that you're happy with me. Thank you."

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