Couple's Spat

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Naruto looked at the note coldly that was left on his husband's desk in their home office. It was written in a cursive font and had little hearts drawn on it. He snorted at the childish thing. It was a note telling Shikamaru to enjoy the lunch that she made. "Oh dear, seems I have a mess to clean up."

He headed out into the kitchen, past the bedroom where his husband slept, and began cooking a hearty lunch and breakfast. Shikamaru woke up to Naruto caressing his hair. The muscular man leaned down and kissed his cheek. "If you are lacking nutrition you could have told me. Warn your bitch that I'm coming."

Shikamaru turned cold and he stiffened. His eyes looked up into the cold blue abyss and shuddered. "I wasn't-"

"Shut up, you are my husband. If you ever step outside the bounds of marriage I'll personally make it a living hell for you. I got you from the street and I will put you right back there."

He left Shikamaru to take care of business as usual while the Nara broke out into a sweat. He trembled as he got ready for work, he should've been more careful, if he wasn't so strung upon Temari he could've known not to bring Temari's cute notes home. He was going to be more careful in the future, Naruto loved him, and he always has.

He ignored the lunch Naruto made for him. He got through the work stopping by Temari's cubicle to kiss and grope her, unbeknownst to him Naruto had planted spies that day in the form of paralegals. They took pictures and sent them along to Naruto who forwarded them to his lawyer. Shikamaru thought he was on the high life after picking himself up but Naruto was about to bring it crashing down.

"Neji is a dear and comes home with me," Naruto said turning to his darling lavender prince who was dressed in an easy-access kimono. Naruto chose it for me. "You must be tired of this clan. I'll take care of you."

Neji looked up from his kneeling position in front of the Mafia War Lord with happiness in his eyes. Naruto leaned forward as Neji leaned up to connect their lips. His light brown hair was bunched up in scarred tanned hands that tugged harshly. 'Fine Shikamaru let's play this game.'

When Shikamaru got home that night it was to the sight of Neji, in his clothes, sitting at his seat, with his ring on his finger, eating his food with his hair caught up with the jade pins Naruto gave him on their first anniversary. Naruto sat across from Neji eating dinner. "What the fuck is going on?" He asked harshly, Neji didn't acknowledge him but Naruto turned his way.

"Oh, a good evening would have been polite. I'm having dinner with my fiancee," Naruto said casually.

Shikamaru gritted his teeth and marched right in front of the blonde who tossed down a stack of photos. He froze, noting that they were from today. "You fucking cheater. I warned you didn't I? I'll bury you and drag you back to the streets like a fucking common whore. Look at my fiancee, he's a happy one, isn't he. I'll be sending the divorce papers to your parents once you've got your things. And I do mean your things, everything I've ever given you should be left behind."

"Naruto let's talk about things," Shikamaru came closer but the sound of a gun cocking made him freeze in place. "Naruto please."

"I warned you this morning Shikamaru. And you continued anyway. I think you've gotten blind to who you are married to. Let me remind you, bring the bitch out."

Temari was tossed out from the revolving bookcase. She was bloody and bruised, her lips biting raw from Naruto's men who had their way with her. Shikamaru could see the blood draining from between her legs. "Now that we're all here, Temari dear would you like to continue your affair with my whorish husband."

"No! Take him, please!"

Naruto cooed at her before turning to his husband who looked down ashamed. "Look at that, so much for you guys being in love right?"

"Neji come here darling, sit in my lap," Naruto called over, Neji happily obliged but Shikamaru yanked the Hyuga by the hair and slammed him on the table before grabbing the dinner knife and slitting his throat. Naruto looked on amused as Shikamaru's eyes flared with jealously. "Oh, Shikamaru you can't have your cake and eat it too."

Without a backward glance, he shot Temari dead in the forehead. "You want an affair but get riled when I decide to have my own. Who the fuck do you think you are?"

Shikamaru was crying and he collapsed at his husband's feet, crawling over to lay in his lap. He sobbed in his lap and Naruto caressed his hair, the scent of blood clinging to the walls around them. "Naruto please don't leave me, never leave me."

"I'll have to punish you for killing my beauty. Quit your career, you're going on lockdown for the next seven years until you've gotten rid of whatever insanity plagued you to do this to our marriage. During that time we will be divorced and when you have earned my trust we will wed once again. Do you understand?"

"Yes Master," Shikamaru hasn't used that term to answer Naruto in a long time. This was used back in their dating stage and since that's how far back Shikamaru had to go to earn back the trust he had foolishly tossed away.

"Good, good. Now let's head to a hotel for the night so they can sanitize this home."

They did just that and Shikamaru opened his legs for his future ex-husband. But soon Naruto would be his husband again in a few years. He wanted attention so he did it the only way he knew. He got his attention, he wanted to be locked in the blonde's home, chained to the bed, and used like a whore. He was tired of being an upstanding citizen, he wanted to be just like he had before.

Beneath the blonde, throwing his ass up to show a perfect curved back. His hair was wild and loose around his shoulders as he moaned and cursed. To spread his legs wide as Naruto wanted and to grip the sheets as he did now in the dim light of their hotel room. He bares his neck like a perfect submissive, taking pleasure when Naruto broke the skin and drank his blood. He moaned as the sheets contaminated red.

"You believe that you're special right Shikamaru?"

"I am special," Shikamaru said breathlessly. Naruto chuckled darkly in his ear. His hands latch around the other's neck in a soft holding but it slowly got tighter as he fucked into him. Shikamaru could not see the impending danger. That Naruto was going to strangle him to death. Such a sad sight.

"You were so beautiful Shikamaru," Naruto murmured as he kissed the side of his face. "My perfect angel, you let other demons taint you. You aren't an angel anymore. You've become disgusting, you've become a distant shell of your former self. So do me a favor and die."

The hands became impossibly tight and crushed his windpipe. Naruto shot his load inside his once angel as life gave out from him. Shikamaru in his final moments came as well and he cried as the life left him. 'I'm sorry I hurt you Naruto. Forgive me.'

'Safe travels angel you were once destined for ascension but it appears we'll see each other in hell when my turn comes.'

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