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'Loving him is easy but moments like this just remind me that what we're doing is downright dangerous.' Shikamaru thought as he felt the cold barrel of a gun pressed to his forehead, he was doing the same thing to his secret lover Naruto. They were staring each other dead in the eye as the blood from their fallen men pooled behind their feet.

"Shikamaru stand down." Naruto growled coldly, he needed to get into their territory.

"I can't do that and you know this Naruto." Shikamaru drawled, he grunted slightly when he felt the gun press slightly harder.

"Why the fuck were you born into this family." The blond snapped as he cocked his gun.

"I ask that every time we meet."

It was typical, this exchange but what they really wanted was to just leave this mafia bullshit behind and run away but it's not that easy. It's never that easy. They were heirs to their respective families. Born for the sole purpose of bringing the family business to the next level. How they ended up fucking and high on each other was beyond them but it was fun while it lasted. The reality is, that entering the family gives you a slim to none chance of leaving it. Being born into it, you didn't even get a fucking choice.


All Shikamaru saw was a flash of blond before he was knocked out.

Waking up to deadly dark blue eyes was sending two responses down his spine. One they were very familiar, two they were showing a pitch-black abyss. This person looked dead despite having such soft almost feminine features. Their lips tilted in a smirk as he brandished a needle-nose plier. "Alright Nara you can tell me what I want to hear or we can just pull your nails out until you are a weeping mess."

Shikamaru got irked with his smug smile so he gave one of his own before spitting in the blond's face. "Get started bitch."

The blond scowled before yanking out his thumbnail. He bit his lip, trying to kill the scream. That was unexpected and he wasn't prepared for it. "The fuck is wrong-" He got whiplash as his face spun harshly to the right. The bitch had slapped him and it wasn't light either.

"The only thing that should be on my face, is the blood of all you low lives." With that being said he was knocked out by a smack in the head.

Naruto scowled as he looked over the little shit that had the audacity to spit in his face. He groaned and got up to wash whatever cock sucking he might have been doing before he got captured. He came back and caught sight of his thumbnail on the ground, his thumb was dripping blood but he wanted to see more. He grabbed the bloody pliers and worked on pulling out the rest.

Shikamaru woke up with the alarming urge to scream. His nails were all gone and his fingers were bleeding. The blond was nowhere to be seen but he knew he was being watched. He looked down and assessed his situation. He was bound with loosely tied rope and that sent off alarm bells. He easily slipped out and before he could take two steps a shock ran through his body, he jolted and gripped his neck to feel stitch marks lining his neck.

"Enjoy heading home love," Naruto called from his perched position on the overhanging loft. He was nursing a glass of wine with a sickly smile.

"You know damn well I'll tear this out." He snarled as he felt another shock run through him.

"With those blunt stubs? Damn didn't know you were a masochist, I would've tried to sever your cock while I'm at it. Gotta admit you carry quite the package." He gave a perverted stare at his groin and Shikamaru despite the pain and humiliation blushed. He fucking blushed, something about those volatile blue eyes was leading him somewhere he knew he shouldn't take.

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