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Sukuna woke up in bed alone, the scent of cooking in the air as the sun rose through the half-open window. He got up and headed into the kitchen to see Naruto cooking. Her hair was up, showing her bruised neck. It was purple and ugly and Sukuna felt the rage overwhelm him once again. He wanted to hurry up and get to the basement of the apartment complex and murder the bastard but not yet. He needed Naruto to explain what happened and how she was sexually assaulted because he was going to mutilate the man.

He approached her slowly. "Naruto?"

She flinched and started trembling but she turned to him with a smile. "Thank you Sukuna," She said softly, she nearly dropped her cooking utensil before she moved into his arms.

"I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry that I put you in danger. I understand if you want to avoid me, you don't have to worry about this ever happening again. I will watch you from afar, I'll let you go," He promised as he cradled her head.

"No! No, I won't leave you! I can handle it."

'You're trembling so terribly Naruto,' He thought as he stroked her hair. "You don't have to lie to make me feel better. You don't have to downplay it to stay with me. I will understand Naruto."

She shook her head strongly as she began crying. "I know I'm shuddering, I know that I'm wailing but believe me when I tell you that I don't want to leave you."

"Why, why don't you leave? You'll always be in danger if stay with me."

"I don't care. You saved me Sukuna. You saved me, you cared to save me," Naruto whimpered. "I don't want to leave because I love you. I can handle this, I can handle the life you live."

Sukuna was surprised by her confession but it eased his heart to know she was in love with him. Somehow this naive angel loved him. He loved her as well. No matter how quickly they were moving. "I love you Naruto. I love you so much which is why I am willing to let you go."

"Don't you dare," Naruto cursed. "I won't ever let me."

"I promise," Sukuna murmured before he pulled back a bit to lean down and kiss her. Naruto's widened eyes made him chuckle a bit on the inside but in the end, they both closed their eyes and gave into the pleasure of their lips making contact. It wasn't a deep kiss. Naruto was in so state for such an intimate kiss that would make her feel things between her legs. He kept it nice and innocent, pulling back to get a view of her wide eyes finally becoming clear blue instead of a dark misty blue from her crying.

Naruto got back to breakfast while Sukuna prepared his men for them to come downstairs into the basement. They owned the apartment building as it was a great base of operation. Naruto would be staying here from now on as well since her home was compromised. She placed the large plate in front of him and sat beside him. Sukuna shared the meal with her. Them eating from the same chopsticks and him feeding her. Naruto felt a bit better and when she crawled back into bed Sukuna was glad to see her relaxed.

"I'll deal with them now baby. I'll be back soon," He kissed for forehead but Naruto shot up and looked at him in concern.

"Wait what?"

"The men, they're being held in the basement. I own this building."

"C-Can I come?"

Sukuna's eyebrows rose into his hairline at the request. "Why? I don't want you to be traumatized again."

Naruto shook her head. "No! I want to see it for myself. Please Sukuna!"

Sukuna wanted to smile and smack her over the head but he was just so happy that his blondie was getting annoying again. She was slowly returning to herself. He just needed to clean the bruises up. "Okay fine. Besides, maybe you can help me."

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