Fractured But Repaired

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Requested by:SeriaaMalai2018

"Sorry for being late," Shikamaru apologized as he sat down across from Naruto at the library. He was covered in the dead of summer, his hoodie pulled up but Naruto could still see what he needed to see.

"What an ugly bruise," Naruto wasn't the type to beat around the bush. He was an Alpha raised in the foster system never making it to a home. He's seen the horrors Omega go through because they can't say no.

Shikamaru flinched under the observation. "I'm fine."

Naruto raised an eyebrow. "I never asked if you were fine. I just said it was an ugly bruise."

It was like a physical blow, Shikamaru recoiled at it. Tears welled in his eyes but it didn't move Naruto. His lips curled in disgust at the sight before him. "Dry your tears and let's get to work."

It was simply a pair project but Naruto hardly ever comes to class and Shikamaru is a social outcast because of his skittish behavior. It was just agreed the two would partner and the teacher made the final choice. Naruto wasn't a bad student, on the contrary, he was an excellent one. Shikamaru sniffled throughout the next two hours before Naruto concluded they were making a pleasant start.

He packed up his things looking over at Shikamaru who was frozen in his seat, phone in hand. Out of sheer curiosity, he snatched it from Shikamaru's hands to read the vile things his alpha sent. Naruto chuckled a bit before he realized he recognized this person. He clicked on the display picture and was it a blast from the past. "Your alpha is Sasuke Uchiha," He turned his gaze back to Shikamaru who was shaking. 

"Y-Y-Yeah," He stuttered. 

Naruto sat back down, his eyes bright with interest. "Tell me everything he's ever done to you." 

"You know him?" Shikamaru blubbered. 

"You crying is annoying but yes I know him," He smirked. "Childhood friends in fact. He's always been a bit malfunctioning," He looked thoughtfully at Shikamaru. "Now with this context, you seem much like his moonlight." 


Internally Naruto was reveling in this new information. "Yeah, his first love, Sakura Haruno. Pink hair, green eyes, super smart and nerdy. She wanted to be a doctor but Sasuke was more concerned with chaining her down. He ended up killing her and he went crazy and dropped off the radar. And now he's found someone new, someone like her." 

Shikamaru felt a chill down his spine. He knew who Sakura was, Sasuke whispered in his sleep her name. When he asked about the Sakura pendant around his neck he would sneer at him. He often spent time musing photo albums on certain days every year. He was a twisted grieving man who abused him like he was still seeing flashes of the woman he had chosen as his mate. 

"Damn you're taking a beating for a man who never saw you in the first place," Naruto pushed the phone back over to him. "Is he your first love?" 

"Yes," Shikamaru broke down in tears. "He was so sweet and caring in the beginning but then he started to get verbally abusive then he put his hands on me." 

"Why are you still in the relationship?" 

Shikamaru couldn't answer that but Naruto knew the answer, it was the same answer Sakura gave him before she died. 'I can save him Naruto, he is my first partner, we are bonded,' She reassured with her double black eye and bruised thighs. 

'I can't save you, you don't want to be saved,' Naruto told her in return before cutting them both out of his life. He's seen enough abuse and rape of omega in the foster system how can he stand by and watch his former best friend pick apart his other best friend into nothing. Wasted potential for nothing. 

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