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"What do you mean he left?" Ino asked bewildered at the news Sakura was telling. The pink-haired kunoichi sighed a bit and began her shortened version of events.

"He went to Lady Tsunade and asked to be removed from Team 7 and placed on a single unit. Meaning he takes missions solo now," Sakura said with a huff. "Not that it matters, ever since he came back from his 3-year training trip he's been distant. No matter, more Sasuke-Kun for me."

Ino shook her head trying to wrap it around what she has been told, there was no way that was possible. The bell chimed signaling that someone entered, thankfully it was someone she was hoping for. "Shikamaru get this Naruto's abandoned Team 7."

Shikamaru paused as he tried to make sense of that scenario. Naruto leaving Team 7. He shuddered a bit. "Quit making such horrible jokes, he only came back last month," He made his way to the cashier and looked over at Sakura who seemed annoyed with it all. "And he only just reached Chunin."

"It looked like he only stayed that long just to move up the rank and ditch since getting to Jonin would only require a recommendation. Which Naruto has plenty of," Ino said as she stitched the puzzle together. "But this seems so un-Naruto-like of him to just up and go. Shikamaru mind checking on him?"

"Why do I have to do it?" The Nara complained as he mentally mapped out the route to Naruto's apartment in his head. That was the thing, whenever it came to the Uzumaki Shikamaru found himself being the first to jump right in.

"Because you haven't seen Naruto since he got back, I doubt you know what he looks like. Plus you're an omega, if things get heated you can settle him," Ino listed off with a pointed look. "You should see him, he's gotten really tall and muscular. And he grew out his hair, I couldn't see under his hoodie but he seemed to have quite the jawline as well. Go on now, you've always been the one to make Naruto see sense when he strays."

Shikamaru didn't like his status being thrown around like that because he saw it as a bother. He's already gotten quite a few proposals, even one from Temari who turned out to be an alpha which wasn't a surprise to him. He somehow felt self-conscious about going to the alpha's abode. It was true, everyone else has seen Naruto or what they could see of him. That was the thing, the blonde was well covered up and even wearing dark clothing when he would normally scream 'orange'. It was like he was trying to blend into the background of being another faceless Shinobi.

Shikamaru didn't know how he got there but he was standing at Naruto's door. He placed his palm against it and could feel the chakra burning under his palm. He knocked and waited. He could feel Naruto moving around the apartment so there was no excuse for why he had to wait for nearly 10 minutes. The door opened and he saw Naruto, or what he could see of him. He was wearing a hoodie but it was short-sleeved so he could see the tattoos now winding around his hands.

They were like blacktails coiling up to his neck and beyond, Shikamaru wondered faintly if they ran across his back and chest. He was snapped from his thoughts when he heard a low growling. He looked up at Naruto who seemed to be breathing heavily. "Naruto?" That was the trigger as the Uzumaki dragged him inside and slammed the door closed.

Shikamaru yelped slightly at the tight grip and he looked at Naruto with fright. "I'm sorry, didn't mean to hurt mate," Naruto's voice came out in a deep bass. Broken English like he was trying really hard to focus on the situation but something kept him distracted. Shikamaru was aware his distressed scent was leaking out but not because Naruto had him held so tightly it was a concern for the blonde's wellbeing.

Naruto was searing hot from where he was holding onto Shikamaru. Was he sick? Was that why his voice sounded so deep? He didn't get to ask as he was lifted into Naruto's arms as the Uzumaki purred into his neck, Shikamaru could feel fangs grazing his scent gland. "Mate, mine."

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