Innocent Beginnings

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Naruto was the annoyance of the school.

That was an understatement.

She didn't have any friends even when she tried, many didn't like her for her appearance, or her penchant for trouble. While beautiful she was the transfer student who looked like what Western culture defined as a Gold Digger. Plus it didn't help that she was an airhead.

On the other hand, Shino was the opposite.

He was the school genius of few words.

Tall, and athletic despite only being interested in the debate club. He was straight and narrow when it came to himself and didn't judge or care what you did or where you came from. While he didn't dislike Naruto, he understood that associating with her would bring his status under question. He didn't want any issues so he pretended she didn't exist. At times it was difficult to watch her get rejected because he was once in her shoes, he just didn't know how to approach her.

Sometimes he would have to catch himself when he watched her at her table alone touching up her lipstick, or listen keenly for the tapping of her nails when she was annoyed with something she seemed to be watching on her phone. He knew the insides of her bag were messy from having glimpsed her tossing in the loose paper, not even bringing a proper book to classes. He would be bewitched as the many bracelets on her hand shook with the charms whenever she pushed her mid-back length out of her eyes. He watched her and learned her mannerisms from a distance. He was painfully shy about approaching her but an opportunity came.

It was late one evening, the sun going down and he had gotten the rare chance to watch Naruto sleep the entire Chemistry session. The bags under her eyes were getting more frequent and he wondered if she was having trouble at home. When the bell rang everyone rushed out because it was Friday. He stayed as Naruto hadn't heard the bell. He took in her curved figure as she was snoring so softly before he finally decided he wasn't at the creep level to let her continue to sleep. He tapped her forearm firmly but gently and her eyes opened without a fuss. She got up, her bracelets chiming like a windchime as she stretched, Shino noticed a bit of drool but it was gone as the blonde swiped her lips to moisten them.

She looked up at him and for a second Shino saw her eyes sparkle before they dimmed and shifted from his dark-tinted glasses. "Thanks, Shino." Her tone was at a normal level, her high pitch, fake cherry behavior nowhere to be seen. She opened her messy bag and tossed in loose paper with scribbled jargon. Shino placed down a piece of paper and she looked at it puzzled.

"The sensei handed these out and he skipped you," He explained quickly. She took the paper and nodded, he noted that she placed that one in more carefully than the rest before zipping up and looking to head out.

"Thanks, I have a bus to catch," She mumbled and began walking away. He curled his fingers into a fist and he couldn't stand the thought of her leaving but as he opened his mouth to say something Naruto beat him to it.

"You don't need to give me fake sympathy Shino. I know you don't care and that's fine," She turned to give him one of her fake smiles before leaving. Shino watched the opened door for a long time before heading out himself. While he didn't like her last comment he was glad he got a chance to hear her speak in her normal tone of voice.

The weekend was spent with Shino contemplating her response and by the time Monday rolled around, he was worked up and more determined to speak with her. Funnily enough, Naruto was the one to find him alone in the library. She looked embarrassed but she slid him a note before rushing off. He looked at the note, it was surprisingly crisp, with neat letters across the front with Shino's full name. He took the note and when he held it up he could catch the scent of vanilla perfume on it. He smiled a bit as he flipped it open to see it was an apology for her words last week along with her phone number.

He didn't wait around to text her and she responded instantly with another apology. Shino was happy with the turn of things as he started to text her, asking her small things but she was vague so Shino figured he would have to ask in person if she was shy over the phone. "How about we meet after school?"

He texted. Watching the dots drum was nerve-wracking before the blonde replied with a classroom number.

Waiting for the end of the day made him realize impatience. He packed up slowly to give everyone a chance to leave before he made his way across campus to the abandoned sewing room where Naruto said she would be. Entering the room he saw her using the machine to mend some clothes that looked to be hers. She didn't acknowledge the door opening but she did look up when Shino cleared his throat. Naruto gave him a small smile, it wasn't big but at least it wasn't fake. He couldn't handle seeing that fake smile of hers.

"I'm sorry," She started softly, looking away as Shino came closer and pulled up a chair.

"There's no need for that, I wasn't offended. Madder than anything else, that you would have to say that to me," Shino explained as he folded his arms.

"Can you blame me?" Naruto chuckled with a humorless tone. "I've been shunned and ignored since I transferred here. They lied in the movies no one always instantly likes the transfer student. Besides that apparently, I'm a stereotype so forgive me. I didn't expect anyone to give me a shred of kindness, I've resigned myself to my status now all I want to do is graduate and move far away from here. Maybe take a rural route."

Shino smiled a bit as he leaned forward. "Would you be interested in forming a friendship?"

Naruto looked up at him and tilted her head as she thought about it. "Friendship?" She looked down back at her sewing machine with an amused smile. "I would think with all your staring at me you were romantically interested in me."

Shino never felt his heart drop in his life. Not once. Except for this moment when Naruto looked up at him, piercing his dark glasses.

"I've been under scrutiny before Shino. I know when someone stares directly at me," She started giggling as she made out his uncomfortable expression.

"So you knew and didn't say anything?" He couldn't come to terms with it.

Naruto shrugged her shoulders. "I wasn't sure but your stare wasn't cold so I figured you wanted to approach but didn't know how to. When you did I was surprised, more surprised you even took the initiative to take a second paper for me."

She was smiling softly. "Thank you Shino, I spent the whole weekend agonizing about how I treated you at the moment. I was just not in the mood to deal with any more fake smiles while being cruel. I'm exhausted from my treatment but I can't transfer, I'm so close to finishing."

"I understand," Shino reached out to rest his hand on her shoulder. She looked up at him and held his hand. "I am romantically interested in you but I didn't want to approach too strongly so I figured friendship was a start."

Naruto chuckled. "Never friend zone yourself Shino."

He leaned closer to her and Naruto followed his lead as they shared a soft kiss.

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