An Unnatural Affection

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A/N- Alright, alright you know if I'm starting up here with a note then it is a warning. *Clears throat* So this is a horror request...Wendigo Shikaku x Human Naruto....yeah, we crossed the line yet again but at the same time, I can't help smiling at the possibilities here. *sips coffee* Or maybe I lost a sense of self-preservation along the way? Who knows? Yeah, if Ya'll uncomfortable you can miss this one. We all have different meters of fucked up before we hit the motherload when we tap out. Sadly, I will not be joining the tap-out because I'm unphased. *Throws glitter* Enjoy my darlings!

Naruto wouldn't have been in this situation if he could smell something. He would've smelled the creature a mile away. The scent of a rotten corpse decayed and corrupted floated through the air but Naruto's nose didn't work. The wendigo had snatched him from outside his wooden cabin. Scaring the poor male into an unconscious state. The wendigo in question was the former owner of the cabin, it had a legend attached to it but one that was only known to a few select people who opted not to tell the blonde about it.

The legend of the wendigo who was once named Shikaku Nara. It happened back in the 1980s hence only a select few know. Famine had struck that winter, the family of four were snowed in and succumbed to the frost of winter when the wood dried up in the fireplace. Their youngest Shikadai passed away first, his shivering frame giving out.

They had run out of food and with nothing left to eat, Yoshino, his mother gutted his organs and cooked them. Wendigos are born out of the act of cannibalism. Unknowingly the family had started the process. Shikadai's remains only served them two weeks. With the greed growing between his parents Shikamaru was murdered by them.

Yoshino didn't waste time cooking and Shikaku didn't complain. They ate him whenever the hunger struck. Shikamaru's carcass slowly dwindled on the living room floor until only his bones remained. Yoshino gave into her husband's strength and she was eaten leaving Shikaku by himself. But the tale didn't end there. Shikaku fell into hibernation, his body accepting the evils of the wendigo transformation.

When he awoke he was no longer considered human and with his stomach's persistent need for tender flesh, he prayed union the civilians in nearby cabins. Sparing no one in his path alleviated his drive, to quench his bloodlust. But that was in the past, Shikaku was only active for two years, preying upon supernatural hunters and influencers alike who had come to know him as the third official wendigo of Japan.

Once a highly regarded man of business now molded for children's stories. He was believed to be hibernating, finally settling his hunger. And 45 years later he's gotten, college photographer Naruto Uzumaki in his clutches.

He stood at 6'1 with a muscular build that made him dominate on the field. His blonde hair was wrapped in a man bun that gave him a laid-back vibe that almost anyone could go along with. He was dragged to Shikaku's cave, deep inside was a rudimentary bed with strips of animal fur that had decayed meat still stuck to the pelt. Bones lay strewn about with a little fire pit in the corner. Shikaku was one of the wendigos that didn't shy away from the flames. It seemed he had retained enough human consciousness to know that a warm fire was best in the winter even when he couldn't feel the cold.

Shikaku started a fire and pushed the body close to the flames. Naruto murmured and curled up with a content expression. Shikaku growled as he nosed his way up the blonde's body before he started licking his face.

"No stop it," Naruto said in a sleepy voice as he woke up starting into the sunken eyes of Shikaku. Naruto's voice hitched in his throat. He couldn't fathom what he was seeing. He had the urge to scream to run but he was frozen stiff as he allowed this creature to lick his face. He took in the appearance and his first thought was that he was glad he couldn't smell anything.

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