Crashing Down

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Low lights, neon flashes. A dead giveaway for the fun that was happening inside the high-class establishment. In common man terms, it would be labeled as a 'strip club' but for those who paid the right money, they would only get the classical dancers of the pole. They weren't growing dousing themselves with the champagne customers bought, they weren't stripping to nudity and they had a no VIP requests policy. Meaning nothing shady was going to be done in a closed room or behind the curtain.

What the classical dancers did was perform and perform only. They each had their stage and if you wanted to tip them then you would place it in a large glass jar which they would collect when their shift is over. No throwing money on the stage. On a particularly busy night, a popular dancer 'Narui' was getting ready for his performance. Though he may be male he was soft and curvy like a girl. The only thing he was missing to be a complete girl was breasts. As he dragged on the 'bad girl' outfit a friend of his was putting on the wig that he used to disguise himself from familiar eyes. He looked over at the mirror to see deep violet eyes instead of his bright baby blues.

All in the name of preventing the disgusting leeches from hunting him down should they cross paths in public. What 'Narui' didn't know was tonight special clientele were coming in to celebrate a big company merger. Special clients who so happen to be the Nara twins Shikamaru and Shikaku who were also his lovers. And the minute their eyes made six Naruto felt the world crumble beneath him. It was gut-wrenching really to perform for his lover's business partners while they stood there watching him with cleverly disguised shock and disgust. When he had finished his performance one of the clients dared to try and pull him off the stage.

"Come home with me tonight, here's my card." The perverted grin the man wore made Naruto scowl at him.

"We don't offer that service, Sir," He said curtly before modeling off the stage to go back to his dressing room. He collapsed in a heap and cried his eyes out. Sakura, his close friend, and another popular dancer held his trembling hands as he destroyed his make-up with his endless sobbing.

"Naruto what happened, did they try to assault you," Sakura asked worriedly as she tried to keep her anger at bay. The manager wouldn't let this fly so Naruto had better speak up now before they left.

"Shikamaru, Shikaku." He blubbered and Sakura started to fit the pieces. Dread filled her stomach. "They saw me, they knew it was me."

"Naruto, naruto calm down." She shushed him and brought him into her petite chest. "It's going to be okay, if they love you then they will hear you out at least."

"Sakura-channnnnn!" He wailed, her outfit was ruined with the amount of makeup Naruto was smearing into it but it didn't matter. She's been there before those twins came in and if they decided to leave then she will be right there to through it all.

"I'm here Naruto, take the night off and go home. Sleep, eat some sugar and bread, and ignore the phone until tomorrow. I'll be there to cheer you up alright?"She cooed like a mother as she got him on his feet. All Naruto did was stand still and allow Sakura to fix him up.

The outfit is gone.

The ruined make-up is gone.

Wig is gone.

He was back to looking like Naruto and not Narui.

She called him an Uber and made sure he got into it and that's how he ended up outside his apartment dreading to go in. The lights were out but it was unreasonably still, painstakingly so. He shivered as he unlocked the door and stepped inside. He whimpered at the twin combat boots at the door. When he closed the door he winced at the loud thud it made. He toed off his shoes before stepping into the living room. It was pitch black except for the two cigarette buds that were glowing in the darkness.

He went to reach for the light. "Don't." The command stopped him midway through the act. That was Shikamaru.

"I think I might snap if I see you." And that was Shikaku. Naruto bit his lip trying to keep his wails from echoing through the apartment.

'No, no, no, no, no!' Blasted through his mind as he mapped out the familiar path to the sofa across from them. He needed distance for what was about to come.

"Let's take a trip back to a few hours ago shall we brother." Unison exhales of nicotine made its way into the air. Shikaku's voice was always the deeper of the two and it made a greater impact if you heard it come from his mouth. His eyes and face were the more mature of the twins and that's because he had two scars on his face from the high school brawls he's been in.

"I seem to remember signing a merger before the fat bastard said he had VIP access to a 'classical dancer club'," Shikamaru started. He had a softer face but he could pull an evil glare like no one else. Not even the Uchiha's stood a chance. Instead of fighting like his twin, he focused on gaining people in their favor. It was the sole reason why no matter how high Shikaku scored on the criminal database he never once got arrested for his actions.

"And what did we witness at that club?" Shikaku asked as he shifted a bit on the sofa. A quiet whimper released from Naruto's lips. But no matter how quiet the Nara twins heard it. They scoffed which made silent tears roll down his cheeks.

"Our so-called librarian lover working a pole. He impressed the fat bastard so much he got offered a card." Shikamaru spat with venom. "I wondered how many cards he got offered before we discovered this."

"I- It's-" Naruto couldn't get the words out because his throat was so clogged with tears that he wanted to let out a scream.

"I don't remember asking for input," Shikaku said as he got up from the sofa to sit beside Naruto. The blonde flinched away from the closeness but stopped when he realized Shikamaru was on the other side, effectively caging him in. Shikaku grabbed his chin and turned it to him. "I have lost all desire to kiss you, to love you, to have sex with you."

The words tore Naruto apart inside but to make matters worse Shikamaru had repeated the same thing to him. They were done with him. They were throwing away a year's worth of time they had devoted to the blonde for the sole fact that he kept his real occupation a secret. "Goodbye Naruto." They said and left the blonde's apartment forever.

Naruto cried himself into misery that night and when Sakura came to pick up the pieces she felt the urge to start with his eyes. Instead of sparkling, almost electric blue eyes, they looked like shattered glass with a crystal clear color. "I will put you back together," Sakura promised as she hugged him tightly. "No matter what you will smile again Naruto."

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