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Shikaku clenched his eyes shut as the blood streamed down his face. He was sobbing as he looked in the mirror at his now ruined face. No alpha would want him now even if he managed to get out of here. Old blood from earlier dried between his legs which indicated what happened. He crawled back into the dilapidated bed on the concrete floor as he curled up to hide from the pain of his situation.

Outside the dungeon a raid was happening, the pathetic little punk who thought he was a leader of a mafia was getting his ass handed to him by the Big Man on the block, an absolute demon of a man who grew up shooting at living targets for practice. "Someone's been overstepping their boundaries here," A dark voice echoed in the ears of a tiny, fat man who was blubbering on the floor tied up painfully to the point his wrists were bleeding profusely.

"Hey, hey don't pass out on me," Naruto slapped him harshly across his face. "I've been keeping an eye on you, watching you spout your nonsense about overtaking me and I can't have everyone thinking they can be so bold."

Naruto held his chin up and the man shivered at the red eyes he was greeted with that had narrowed into slits. "Now if you were one of my babies I take under my wing I wouldn't have a problem with you throwing your weight around but not even your mother could love a face like that. We're taking everything you claim to own and then some. Afterward, you'll be made into an example, all for Japan to see."

Naruto's men raided the entire mansion which was like a cardboard box for the Namikaze who waited by using the man's face as a footrest while smoking a Cuban cigar. Naruto watched a steady stream of omegas coming out from the rooms crying or screaming while some were knocked out by the men. The last one to come out was in such poor condition that Naruto actually sneered in disgust. "What happened to that one?" Naruto took his feet of the man's face so he could face the omega he had raped merely hours ago. Shikaku was placed at Naruto's feet and it was honestly slightly concerning since it didn't seem he was breathing.

"You maimed his face," Naruto stated as he took out a handkerchief to wipe the slightly dried blood on his face to show the two new scars. "What he refused to give you his cunt and you maimed and raped him?"

Naruto had seen the blood between his legs. "Hey fatso I'm asking a fucking question!" Naruto gripped the front of his bloody shirt and burned the cigar in his eye. The man screamed as Naruto cooked his eye to the point the eye popped out of the socket and lodged the cigar inside.

"Yes! Yes, I raped him!"

"And you ruined his face! I can't sell him like that and he'd ruin my reputation!" Naruto scowled as a right hand handed him another lit cigar and proceeded to cook the other eye out. Naruto got up, he was suddenly overwhelmed with a demon and bashed his head in with his foot before sighing when he was dead.

"Namikaze-san what should we do about the defect omega?" One asked as they made a move to pick up Shikaku. Naruto raised his hand to stop him.

"I'll take it from here, get the rest cleaned and dolled up. We'll be having an auction next month to have them ready. I'll be taking this home for my own personal use. Probably drag him around and shoot him in the head when I get bored."

Naruto grabbed Shikaku by his neck and hauled him out.

Naruto had cleaned him up personally and dressed his wounds. He began making calls to surgeons he had on retainer to see if they could somehow fix his face. After that, he did a self-inspection of the omega. He knew what he was looking for and found oddities while doing so. Shikaku had been raped brutally, it was plainly obvious that the man could have done serious damage to his womb which would have placed him in a 'sub drop' a dangerous state where the omega's mind tells them that they're broken.

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