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Shikadai-7 years old

"Shikadai your mother is here." The kindergarten teacher called from outside to the boy who was napping at his desk with his friends chatting around him. She turned back outside to the beautiful red haired male waiting with a pleasant expression. "I'm sorry he's so out of it when the evening comes."

"I know he's so adorable." Naruto cooed as he moved forward a bit. "Can I come inside to get him."

"I don't mind, he is your son." The teacher stepped aside to allow him inside. Shikadai's friends flocked to him immediately, showing Shikadai's lazy handed drawings and handing over his things that was neatly packed by Sarada.

"How does he get you to wait on him hand and foot." Naruto chuckled a bit as he nuzzled the boys and girls.

"It's not him it's you." Sarada pushed up her glasses clumsily. "You have two lazy bums on your hands the least we could do is pack up his things to lighten the load." Naruto covered his mouth to stifle the sounds of laughter as the children poked and prodded his baby to get him up and out.

"I suppose your still spending the weekend over?" He asked them smiling as Shikadai stirred awake. They nodded as they dragged him over to Naruto who was holding his arms open. Shikadai fell into them and snuggled him as he took in the lavender scent he's known since birth. His mother peppered his exposed face with kisses and released his hair from it's usual ponytail.

"Let's head home buddy," Naruto waved the children goodbye before heading out to the blue Mustang Shikamaru had bought for an anniversary gift. Shikadai opened his big blue eyes, the one trait he got from his male mother and looked at him before smiling and going back to sleep. Naruto rolled his eyes at that. He got in the car and drove home.

Naruto lifted Shikamaru's arm and dropped Shikadai into his father's arms before heading off to carefully drop his son's things into his room. Though lazy he may be Shikadai was slowly accumulating signs that he was going to be a gamer. From the massive three monitors he had asked for last Christmas to the expensive games lining his shelves along with books. A shogi board set was placed at his bay window where he could have a great view of the sky.

Once he placed his things down he went back out to the garden to continue it's tending and collecting herbs for dinner. He stayed in that relatively peaceful state as he thought back on how he managed to snag this peaceful life.

He remembered it vividly, it was back in his second year of college. He had always seen and heard about Shikamaru Nara, the guy was heard to miss. He made the Shogi club for their college out of nowhere, he could teach anybody and make them love it but the main reason the college backed him was because the Shogi seen was rich, those cash prizes were worth knocking out people who thought they were the best and over time Shikamaru had gained respect from the board. He would end up becoming a professor and a board member a couple years after graduating.

Naruto tried to keep to himself, he had died down in making nasty pranks since he left high school and made sure to not disappoint his sweet, drunk Baa-chan by not failing any of his courses. He had friends, life long ones who he still bonded with to this day but one of them was a mutual connection to Shikamaru. Ino Yamanaka, gossip princess of the newspaper club, she only did it for extra credit but if you paid her right she could get you the dirt on anyone. She had spilled Shikamaru's crush on him with now regards for the consequences. When asked why Ino said, 'The sooner you two pair up, the sooner I'm making your wedding dress.'

Naruto blushed at the memory of Shikamaru finally gathering the courage to tell him. Shikamaru confessed in a parking lot with his sweet, drunk Baa-chan within earshot and he accepted. Tsunade threatened him right there. After college they moved in together and got a lot more intimate, they married when Naruto told him he was pregnant and Shikadai was ready nine months later. Now their little bundle was 7 years old and things couldn't be better.

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