Act Of Sabotage

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It took 6 months of planning to get everything in place for the next few weeks as he systematically broke down his childhood best friend's relationship. The drugs were here, the people were hired all that was needed was the first game of the season. His childhood best friend and the love of his life Naruto Uzumaki was the lead Cheerleader for their college, he had fallen in love with star player Sasuke Uchiha and they started dating. Shikamaru the childhood best friend while displeased with the turn of events did not voice his objection as Naruto was extremely happy and it wasn't like the dynamic they shared changed. But he was displeased and whatever Shikamaru wanted he would get no matter the length he had to go through, that was something his father always told him.

"If you aren't willing to do everything in your power to get what you deserve then you don't deserve it in the first place."

So Shikamaru plotted and it came in the starting phase of a girl named Sakura who was obviously one of Sasuke's fan girls that were put off by Naruto dating her Uchiha darling. Shikamaru had Sakura's entire schedule mapped out and cloned her phone so he could monitor ingoing and outgoing messages. He did the same for Sasuke and he had the main reason, though under the radar in the industry, and a merger was happening between Sasuke's company and Sakura's father's company. There was talk of marriage to ensure Sakura didn't have to suffer.

Sasuke, however, was in love with Naruto and refused to be the male partner so Itachi who was also gay was thrown under the bus and set to be married to Sakura after she had finished her studies. 'It would be a shame if something sparked between Sasuke and Sakura.'

So, the first game of the season came and went and it was the after-party. Shikamaru had drugged the drinks that belonged to Sasuke and Sakura, the players had special cups with the school logo and their names branded on them so they could stand out and Sasuke's cup was very over the top in terms of decoration. Shikamaru dosed it heavily and made sure to steal Naruto away so that the Uchiha couldn't fuck Naruto to get the drug out of his system. He kept an eye on the Uchiha who drunkenly went upstairs into his bedroom.

A friend of a friend right on time pointed out to Sakura that Sasuke had gone upstairs alone and maybe she could pursue him. Sakura headed upstairs to congratulate the Uchiha only to be pulled into the room and kissed. She felt ecstatic. 'Finally, he sees me!'

Shikamaru had installed a camera into the room and was watching Sasuke fumble around to get Sakura undressed. He had an arm around Naruto's waist as the blonde was filling up his drink again. Shikamaru rerouted the footage and began live-streaming it from the school's website as he backdoored it into the website's code so it couldn't be traced back to him. Phones began pinging with notifications as Shikamaru erased the evidence from his phone just in time to get his notification from the school's website. "Umm Naruto? Something's happening right now," Shikamaru showed his phone where Sakura could be seen screaming out as Sasuke ate her pussy out. She was partially naked, her small breasts jiggling as she thrusted her hips onto his mouth.

Naruto's expression went pale and he turned green before he began throwing up in the sink while Shikamaru comforted him. Shikamaru watched the live stream it was his plan coming to fruition. "Let me see that," Naruto demanded as he reached for Shikamaru's phone, the color was back in his skin and Shikamaru allowed him to have it. "We're leaving."

Shikamaru was dragged out by Naruto and they walked the streets in silence as they listened to Sakura and Sasuke fucking. Naruto gripped his best friend's phone tighter and tighter. Sasuke couldn't play this off as being too drunk as he was calling Sakura's name as they fucked, complimenting her pussy and sucking on her tits, it was obvious he was aware that he was fucking a girl and not his boyfriend. "I could get someone to beat the shit out of him," Shikamaru proposed and Naruto looked up at him. He had been crying silently. "Don't cry, I'll avenge you."

"Shika!" Naruto buried his face in his chest and bawled as Shikamaru took his phone and closed out the live streaming. It took a week for Naruto to work up the courage to come back to college, he looked like death and his eyes were almost swollen shut. He clung to Shikamaru during that time. Avoiding Sakura and Sasuke who was always looking for him. Shikamaru had fulfilled his promise and every day Shikamaru sent men to beat on Sasuke. Though it was him who set the trap he didn't actually expect the Uchiha to still continue when he was clearly aware he was fucking someone other than Naruto. Shikamaru actually had planned because he was almost certain this one would fail. But it fucking worked.

The sex tape was leaked and both parents of the guilty party announced the merger and now Sasuke was on the hook since he broke Sakura's cherry and surprise, they had a bun in the oven. Sasuke had fucked her so long and hard she became pregnant for fuck's sake. When they had finally confronted Naruto they approached him as a couple, having accepted the consequences of their actions. Naruto gutted them, crying as he raged at Sasuke for being a slut and dragged Sakura through the mud for even staying when she clearly wasn't drunk.

Shikamaru just glared at them coldly, he didn't input as he wasn't a part of this, he just comforted Naruto. The blonde stayed depressed for months, Shikamaru guiding him back to his old self. Naruto grew affection for the caring best friend Shikamaru has always been. And began to relish in Shikamaru's pleasant aura. He fell in love and Shikamaru knowing Naruto better than the blonde himself knew as well and was extremely happy. They didn't acknowledge the feelings that were blooming but it came to the surface one day after the last lecture. Naruto came to Shikamaru's lecture hall to wake him up since he knew Nara always slept in the last lecture.

He sat beside the sleeping Shikamaru staring at his content face and felt love fill his heart. "I love you, you're always there for me and this whole Sasuke Sakura situation. You held me up, you comforted me, and indulged me in all my unreasonable requests. Shika, I love you so much, I'm sorry it took me this long to realize. I love you so much," Naruto had begun crying as he leaned forward to kiss his lips.

Shikamaru being awake cupped his cheek and kissed him back properly. Naruto moaned as his mouth was opened by Shikamaru's tongue. His manicured hand grasped Shikamaru's chest and pulled him closer. Shikamaru's hands trailed down his slender, curvy body and drowned in the fact that this was his now. He hugged Naruto's waist and pulled him into his lap, his skirt being pushed up as he was made the straddled him. Naruto blushed but continued anyway.

They kissed passionately, their tongues curling around each other, slurping could be heard. Shikamaru grabbed handfuls of his darling's blonde hair and played with it. They pulled back when Naruto ran out of breath, his eyes were positively glowing with affection as he stroked Shikamaru's cheeks. "You're too good for me," Naruto confessed quietly as he leaned back to get more kisses. Shikamaru obliged him, filled with a certain smugness as he saw Sasuke watching them from the door.

Shikamaru couldn't keep his hands off of the blonde, stroking Naruto's back and sides, his fingers trailed up his skirt and grabbed fistfuls of his thighs, his hands eventually cupping his ass. Naruto's arms were around his neck, clutching his ponytail as their erections ground together. They became shameless as Shikamaru worshipped Naruto's body as Sasuke watched on with his fists clenched.

Shikamaru always got whatever he wanted and he would go to lengths to prove he deserved it. He wasn't one for doing half-assed missions. The reward was worth it as he took pleasure in marking Naruto's neck, this was his future husband. "Seems we have company," Shikamaru relayed as he licked the teeth mark on Naruto's neck. Naruto looked over his shoulder at Sasuke and turned away from him with a look of disdain.

"Ignore it," Naruto murmured as he buried his face in Shikamaru's neck to give him a large hickey. "You're my boyfriend now, mine."

Sasuke watched them suck on each other's necks like animals in heat marking territory, he soon left slamming the door to show his anger. Shikamaru would be sending men after him for that reaction. "I love you Naruto, I'm happy your mine now," Shikamaru whispered in his ear. Naruto shuddered and nodded.

"You can't leave, you hear Shikamaru?" Naruto pulled back to look him dead in the eye. "You're stuck with me forever."

"I don't mind," Shikamaru smiled as they met in another kiss.

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