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"You're probably going to make Jonin at this rate!" Mebuki cheered as Sakura blushed under her fawning.

"Big Sister you've gotten so much stronger," Hanabi complimented. "I see a future Jonin on the way,"

"Good job son, Jonin status is near for you," Shibi said monotonously to his son Shino.

"You may still be a young pup but you're feisty, a fine quality for an Inuzuka Jonin." Tsume barked slapping said son over the head.

Naruto watched these compliments being thrown around and felt outcasted once again. It was like he was back at the start of his academy days when all the parents would say their children were going to be amazing ninja. He dearly wished he had someone like that in his life. Someone he could run and cry to when the bullying had gotten bad. Now he felt hollow, it was a feeling he adamantly avoided but now it was being thrown in his face again regarding this situation.

He had made Chunin on his first try, which was well deserved since he had kept Gaara from nearly crushing the village. Though he and Shikamaru had gained the title first it had come with a bittersweet memory. Shikamaru's mother, Yoshino had died along with some civilians. Yoshino was always a kind soul to him when he had finally landed Shikamaru as a friend far back in the academy. The woman was the closest experience he had to a mother and she was just swept away.

Unbeknownst to him as he wandered back to his apartment a male was watching him. Or rather two lazy men were watching him. Shikamaru had seen the dark look in his eyes, how lonely Naruto must've felt knowing there was no one to reassure him that he was going to be made Jonin. How he had no parent to compliment his skill. It dug at Shikamaru and he found himself looking to his father who was already looking at Naruto's disappearing form. "Dad,"

"I know and I'm going to do something about it," Shikaku answered with a slight smile on his lips. "I'll be home later."

"Thanks, Dad."

What Shikamaru didn't know was that his father had other intentions than just offering the blonde his recommendation to become a Jonin. When Shikamaru had dragged Naruto to his home all those years ago, he approved of the friendship and he could honestly see them being the best of friends for their entire life. But when he got older, he started seeing Naruto as a potential lover. It made him dirty, a filthy pervert, and bordering on a pedophile. So he never acted on it because once he had a wife, a wife he loved dearly. Two it was his son's best friend and as much as he knew Shikamaru would somewhat understand it was still forbidden in a sense.

He caught up easily with the blonde who was digging through his pockets for the keys to his apartment. His hallway wasn't lit and it was nearing the end of sundown and now bordering on the night. In plain terms, it was dark but not dark enough for shinobi-trained eyes not to see each other. "Naruto we need to talk," Shikaku found himself saying as the teen turned to him while still looking for his key.

"Shikaku-san? Did Shikamaru send you here?" The question was bordering on accusatory but it held an underline hope that one of his friends was perceptive enough to see his plight. Shikaku frowned at how Naruto seemed to be craving human contact, would he be in the wrong if he provided it?

"Well I was planning on talking to you regardless but Shikamaru did happen to tell me to seek you out," Shikaku came closer, an arm's length, and looked straight into Naruto's eyes. "I want to offer my recommendation in favor of you becoming a Jonin."

Naruto blanked for a minute as he couldn't believe what he was hearing. "Shikaku-san I swear if your joking-" He was cut off by Shikaku's hand cupping his cheek. He was already crying from just hearing those words.

"This isn't a joke, I'm wholeheartedly ready to write both you and Shikamaru's recommendations," Naruto broke down into sobs as he tried to wipe his tears but he was a faucet. Shikaku had now both his hands wiping at his tears as Naruto leaned into him.

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