I'm Not Gay Part 2

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They met at a party, the blonde being the known dealer for weed for said campus parties. Naruto was a year older but he wasn't book smart so he was in Shikamaru's year. They met when the blonde made his joint and lit it up for him. Naruto also vaped so the scent of honey hung around him and Shikamaru didn't know if it was the booze or the fact that Temari was bitching about not being able to come that made him hang around this blonde stud. 

He didn't know what took over him, he wasn't gay. He knew that but here he was high and flirting with a blonde that had better features than his long-term girlfriend. Naruto could see he was high and indulged him, getting him booze and sharing the weed that he sold. He gave Shikamaru a hit off his vape pen and that sent the Nara into nirvana. He only came down a bit when he became aware of being in Naruto's backseat car.

The blonde was kissing his neck and he pushed him away a bit. "What's wrong baby?"

"I've never done this before," Shikamaru gasped, still high as his body was so sensitive being pressed against him. Naruto only smirked and kissed him, leaning him down on the backseat.

"I'm surprised that's your only concern," Naruto murmured. "I know your face, your types are blondes. Especially that blonde alpha chick you're dating. I guess I can see the appeal, you smell and look like such an omega."

Shikamaru blushed under his words but those alluring blue eyes made him hypnotized and his first time experimenting with gay intercourse was in the blonde's backseat. They didn't go all the way but Naruto did enough to have Shikamaru hooked and that was the start of their affair. Naruto didn't mind if he stayed with Temari because unbeknownst to Shikamaru Naruto was good at reading people, and Shikamaru was loyal to him so Naruto decided to play along. They were best friends to everyone on campus. No one saw how they were when alone, or when things became heated in public and they would get a quickie in the shadows of the college.

When Naruto took his virginity he was fucking vocal to the point Naruto had to gag him. "Fucking hell you're one of the ones that squirt," Naruto muttered in awe as he watched Shikamaru lose himself in his orgasm. "Fuck I'm gonna have to keep you around. I think I'm in love with watching you squirt."

With Shikamaru's cherry broken they became reckless. Naruto left marks, marks he knew prevented Shikamaru from having intimacy with Temari when she wanted and he did it on purpose. He refused to share Shikamaru now knowing how perfectly in sync their bodies were. Shikamaru complained but it was half-hearted like he was playfully complaining because the only time he complained was when they were in the throes of passion. Naruto's dorm room stunk of sex. Whenever they met up always ended up it in sex. Shikamaru had so many items here that he barely went back to his dorm as he spent the night riding Naruto and getting high. Shikamaru got the full experience and he learned to pleasure Naruto as he was put under the blonde's control.

Shikamaru became riddled with bruises from their sexcapades. Fingerprints on his hips and thighs from Naruto's rough fucking and eating him out on occasion. He admired these marks when they were over or during the bathroom between classes. His hair had gotten longer and Naruto told him to keep it that way so he did. Shikamaru found that he liked it when Naruto fucked him and yanked on his hair during it. Naruto had a hair-pulling fetish and the blonde discovered his new kink when Shikamaru, in the highest orgasm of that week called him 'Daddy'. In the end, unless they were around others Naruto was now called Daddy.

Shikamaru's grades had begun to slip, he wasn't failing. Oh no, he would never allow himself to do that but he stopped doing the maximum. He only did the bare minimum to keep his full-ride scholarship. Many people were right to tell him that Naruto was distracting him. He knew but didn't care. The drugs, the sex, the love he wanted it. He was drowning in it. Naruto treated him like a boyfriend it was just that they had a high sex drive when it came to each other. They were insatiable after a date, oftentimes they couldn't last to get back to campus before they were parked on a highway fucking. 

They even had public sex. They did it in the middle of a gay bar, men leering at Shikamaru while Naruto fed him the cock he had become addicted to. Shikamaru sucked him off in bathroom stalls knowing that people knew what they were doing. They didn't hide it or muffle their voices. It was by sheer luck that their friends didn't find out or suspect anything. Even on a camping trip with them one summer, they fucked in the tent, in the forest close to the site, and even by the river early in the morning.

Some moments made Shikamaru fall deeper in love with Naruto. His tender way of doing aftercare, how he would share his blunts and vapes. How Naruto would worship his body when he was feeling down and binge eat with him when he was stressed. He showed that he loved Shikamaru to some extent in their twisted relationship. But some things had to come to an end. It was during graduation, both males had already walked the stage and dipped out to have some fun and it was only after their fun did Shikamaru let him know what was happening. They had to stop. His parents were pressuring him to marry and Temari was becoming fed up with being an afterthought all through college and demanded marriage.

Naruto only smiled, it was a knowing smile. A smile Shikamaru knew meant trouble. "Do you trust me?" Naruto asked softly as he stroked his face.

"Of course I do," Shikamaru murmured as he accepted a kiss from the blonde.

"Then believe me when I tell you that you are mine and I will make you mine," Naruto's eyes lit worry up with a possessive gleam. "Don't I'll have you back."

Shikamaru had laughed then but one year later with the blonde being his best friend and only his best friend he ended up in his bed, throwing his engagement ring away and diving back into the black hole that was his lover. Only this time they were official, Naruto had successfully stolen him away and he had effectively told his parents and Temari to fuck off as he was now wrapped up in his long-time lover.

"How did you know?" Shikamaru asked one evening when the blonde was home from work.

"Know what?" Naruto asked with a confused expression as he watched Shikamaru nurse their adopted son.

"How did you know that you could win me back?" Shikamaru was genuinely curious.

"Because I'm a people person."

The answer was smug, just like typical Naruto. Shikamaru rolled his eyes as he allowed himself to be kissed by the blonde who was grinning. "I'm serious though."

"Because I knew you were hooked. Ever since that first time in the back of my car l just knew you would always be mine. I was sad when you gave in to the pressure of your parents and that dusty blonde bitch but I knew I could win you back if I played my cards right. I seduced you Shikamaru and you fell right back into my palm."

Shikamaru was blushing as Naruto whispered it into his ear. "But I'm not-"

"Then I don't know what you would call college. Because the amount of fucking we did was not experimental," Naruto clapped back and Shikamaru shut his mouth as he remembered college. They were still like that, if worse than college but they were happily married and planning to adopt another baby boy.

"You're fucking gay," Naruto kissed his cheek and hurriedly rushed off to the bathroom to clean up.

"I'm not gay," The Nara-Uzumaki mumbled with a pout.

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