Date Night

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Naruto giggled softly as he felt the alpha's hand on his thigh under the table. He hasn't been able to let loose since the second set of twins were born. Boruto and Haruto were now hyper-seven-year-old children. Truly a handful when it came to reeling them in and with his lazy husband encouraging them with subtle gestures it was next to impossible to not want to tear his hair out. He felt the wine glass slip out of his fingers before his face was pulled into the crook of Shikaku's neck.

"I think you've had enough wine darling." Shikaku's voice said in his ear. Naruto shivered slightly as it felt like honey pouring in his ears. He whimpered slightly at the large hands wrapping around his cinched waist. Many would ask how Naruto kept his figure after giving birth to two sets of twins and he wouldn't know what to tell you.

He was just on the go so he lost it all with the late nights he pulled nursing his children. His first set Shikamaru and Shikadai were incarnate of their father. Both boys were now 13 years old and had presented a year early. Alphas. Naruto proudly showed them off at the next Ino-Shika-Cho gathering. Despite being in the laziest clan his children had matured enough to present early. He enjoyed the envious looks he got that night as he was doted on by his husband and two alpha children.

"I want my children." Naruto hiccupped looking like he was going to pass out. But he wouldn't, though he may be a lightweight Naruto was far more aware in a drunken state that he was when sober. "My little alphas, my violent blonde babies."

Shikaku smiled at the adorable mess that was his omega. His head was tilted slightly to display the deep teeth marks in his scent gland and he felt a possessive smirk overtake his lips. Those were his marks in the blonde's scent gland. He took the blonde's chin in hand and exposed it a bit more so he could lean in and nuzzle the mark. Naruto gasped softly as he clung to the other's suit for balance.

They were in a low-lit restaurant, their table was somewhat closer to the shadows and Shikaku planned to take full advantage as he kissed his neck in appreciation. "I love you Naruto."

"Silly Shikaku, I love you too." Naruto giggled a bit as he laid a sloppy one on his suit. "Thanks for tonight."

"Anything for my beautiful wife, do want to head home. We can catch the kids before they head to bed." Shikaku knew why he was asking.

Naruto had come with some slight issues. These issues he acknowledged when they first got together. Issues they've worked on since they've been together. But one of them was like a parasite and coupled with his omega traits Shikaku knew this one wouldn't leave even if Naruto wanted it to. Abandonment issues. Naruto was left stranded at an orphanage when he presented. 14 years old, omega, no regular heat cycle in place yet.........he was raped in the orphanage. Scarred but not beyond complete repair. However, he became very overprotective of his children, and careful omegas were dangerous ones.

They shared a kiss in the low lights and that heat and friction between them. Naruto moaned at the slight clench in the arm around him as Shikaku's hand slipped down to however over his crotch. He whimpered against his lips and pulled back. "Not here."

"I know baby let's head home. I know you like tucking them into bed." Shikaku murmured placing a kiss on his forehead before they paid for their meal and wine. Heading home Naruto began feeling drowsy, he fell asleep. When they reached home Naruto felt what was happening as Shikaku lifted him from his seat in the car.

"Hey, we're back," Shikaku called out in the house. Naruto opened his eyes to see his sons looking up at them slightly.

"Hey," He airly called out as he leaned down to hug them around the shoulders.

"Troublesome mother," Shikamaru muttered as he hugged him back, Shikadai was nervously moving from one foot to the other. "Shikadai made a bomb for Haruto."

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