Stockholm Syndrome

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'It's estimated that it takes up to six days for the victim to develop affection or even love for his or her captor when kidnapped.' Shikamaru droned as he caressed the blond beauty he captured, he was finally sleeping after days of staying awake in rebellion. While Shikamaru did have a thing for feisty blonds Naruto was a handful when he didn't want to listen. He had to be force-fed while being held down or being pumped full of nutrients through his veins. But he was willing to play the waiting game.

He leaned down and kissed his whiskered cheek before heading out to continue his business. He was a mere mafia leader, not one high on the food chain but not one scraping the barrels. He was right in the middle and the reason for that was calculated steps. He never overstepped his moves which kept everyone he considered family happy and wealthy. He lit a Cuban cigar as he headed to his office to read over the mission reports he'd received. Two reports in and he couldn't help but drift back to the blond who saved him.

A case of wrong place, wrong time but despite him obviously looking like a gangster, bleeding from an obvious shoot-out the blond dragged him home and patched him up. He found out from the medical supplies that Naruto was training to be a nurse, top of his class too. He was pampered by the blond for two days before he decided to leave but not before calling his other men to help carry the blond away too. Never let strangers into your home and show kindness. It always flips a switch in their head, especially if they have the power to do whatever they want.

On that day Naruto Uzumaki was wiped from the world. Everything from his birth certificate to his recent call history was purged. It made it all the more easier since he was an orphan. And he settled the blond in his own room in his family mansion in the center of the forest they owned. Naruto cursed him, cursed himself for being kind, calling him filthy names, and cried and screamed his heart out. Refused to eat, stayed awake, and constantly wrecked his room.

Shikamaru found this adorable but he was slowly being driven up a wall and not in a good way when a bitch got his dick wet. He wanted the blond to doll himself up, spend his money, and sit and look pretty when his family actually stopped in at their shared mansion. But the more you consider someone precious the harder it is to control them. He sighed as he pressed out his cigar and looked out at the moon that shone through the window. If he keeps this up he's going to end up like Temari.


It took Naruto a month to finally slip, when he was first brought here he begged, cried, screamed, and cursed. He hated the man he helped, he was ashamed that he could bring such a character into his home. But ultimately Naruto was a trouble magnet, Shikamaru, as he's come to know, is in the same business as his former high school sweetheart Sasuke, he also once had a friend named Hinata who was a two-faced bitch because her family was also involved. He cut ties, he really wasn't into the whole mafia scene but karma is a bitch.

He had to say he was quite comfortable, the large plush king-sized bed was working wonders on his normal sore back. He didn't have to cram information anymore, he could breathe, relax, and still be treated like a queen. 'What was I complaining for, he saved me from myself. I was on my way to working myself into the ground. Shikamaru saved me.' All the times when cutting close to an eviction's notice was over, pinching pennies and starving himself just to keep his medical supplies flowing, nearly on the brink of finding an old sugar daddy to help him....over.

It was gone in the blink of an eye and he had Shikamaru to thank for that. He was such a caring person if you looked past his dark glares and constant sighs. He was built on steroids, with the way his muscles strained against his clothes, the constant smell of cigar that was practically infused with him made Naruto dizzy. He giggled as he pulled the fluffy duvet over his frame as the sun rose. Today was going to be different, starting from now he was going to do whatever Shikamaru wanted, he needed to seriously thank the man.

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