Boss's Son

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Shikamaru had gained an unhealthy habit of keeping track of a certain male within his father's company. He was 10 years his senior which made the person 28 years old to his 18-year-old self. He knew this man's pattern like the back of his whenever he visited his father to bring changes of clothes and other materials he requested. The male, in particular, is named Naruto Uzumaki, a close friend of his father despite their age gap. Naruto was the Head of the Marketing department and was pretty much the resident foreigner with his American features.

The typical blonde with blue eyes but Naruto had a golden tan that was fucking natural and didn't come from a bottle along with whisker marks. He's been up close with Naruto to know that they had texture to them, a sort of rough edge, it was one of the few times he entered the blonde's personal space to flirt openly with him. His father would constantly tell him that the blonde was oblivious despite his prowess in the business field. He wouldn't give up and since he had his father's support it meant that he saw Naruto as someone he could entrust personal aspects of their life with.

He was complaining to his best friend that night again since Choji was the head chef of his family's largest restaurant. His chubby boy took it in stride before pointing to a table in the far back. "He's been in here for the last 2 hours of your rant with friends. Seems they're leaving now so you might want to jump on it while he's in a great mood and not too busy."

Shikamaru narrowed his eyes at his best friend who looked away with a hint of amusement. "You love seeing me like this? Is this what gets you off? Seeing me in emotional pain?"

Choji bit his lip as his eyes watered with laughter, he was a wreck. "Shikamaru I love you but sometimes direct is the best option. Not everyone is well-versed in the art of flirtation like you. But I can't exactly have you wound up and going in to embarrass yourself, that's not a best friend move on my part. So I made you get it out, now go he's leaving."

Shikamaru leaned over and kissed Choji on the cheek before running out. The chubby male sighed with a smile before heading back to his actual job, no more impromptu therapy sessions for now.


Naruto looked down at the fidgeting son of his boss with apprehension. He's been dodging the male like the plague for the last couple of months. He knew about his feelings, he wasn't stupid, he grew up on the streets reading body language was second nature to him, his second language that was meant to be observed from a distance. Shikamaru had grabbed him by the back of his jacket as he was climbing on his bike to leave for home. Now they were in silence, watching each other. Naruto decided he couldn't put up with it anymore and fell back into his office persona.

"Shikamaru? Shikaku's kid right?"

Naruto was purposely calling him a kid to steer him away from the confession Naruto knew was at the tip of his tongue. Shikamaru scowled a bit before he smoothed out his feature. "Go out with me."

Naruto sighed and shook his head. "I'm going to assume you're drunk and now I'll be heading home," He turned to leave but Shikamaru snatched his wrist and turned him back to face him. "Are you going to be a brat about this?"

Shikamaru shivered at the sudden change of tone, Naruto's never sounded so....dark before. The blonde pulled his hand away and raked his eyes over his body. "Your father pays me good money and I don't want me fucking his kid to be the end of that."

"I'm not a kid and my father approves, do you think I just go around being a snobby rich kid who doesn't give a shit about reputation?" Shikamaru asked as he started getting angry.

"Yes," Naruto didn't hesitate and Shikamaru regretted it the moment it happened but he was in raw emotion and he was pissed. He smacked the blonde whose head didn't even move. It only served to make the other angry as Naruto raised a hand which he flinched from. "Oh, so I'm the bad guy now? But you slapping me is free reign. Fuck off kid, I even proved you were a kid. Who the fuck slaps people when they get an answer they didn't want to hear?"

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