Meeting the Other Dad 2

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"Just ask him out already. You stumbling over yourself is annoying and you're embarrassing me," Shikadai rolled his eyes at his father who was busy cooking and complaining about sending the right signal to Naruto.

"But what if he's not gay? We're both single fathers, he's admitted to only having dated women before. I don't want to weird him out. We should stay friends," He mumbled, not listening to Shikadai who was busily texting Boruto to inform him of the updates. Boruto was complaining about the same thing but nothing could be done without Shikamaru taking the plunge because Naruto was denying that Shikamaru liked him as a romantic partner.

"We're just wine drinkers," The blonde would insist when his son asked. Boruto wasn't buying his bullshit and he honestly wanted this relationship to the next level. So he and Shikadai began plotting.

"Dad be honest with me," Shikadai looked at Shikamaru dead center. His phone was recording the conversation.

"What is it?"

"Would you date Naruto if you manned up?"

"Shikadai I-"

"No don't!" Shikadai shushed him. "Would you ask Naruto out on a date if you were brave enough?"

Shikamaru sighed quietly. "Yes, I would." His son smiled and motioned for him to continue. "He's bright, always cheering me up after a hard day. He's got great wine and he's not stingy to share it. Sometimes I get caught up in our time and I've come so close to closing the gap but I have to hold back. He's your best friend's father. I wouldn't want it to crash and burn and there would be tension left between you and Boruto. I don't want to hurt him."

Shikadai snickered as he sent the recording to Boruto. "Dad, you have nothing to worry about. If any Boruto and I are already brothers. And if it doesn't work out then we understand it was your guy's business. Not ours."

"I know but kids like you these days are always carrying your parent's burdens. Not talking to your best friend because the parents had a falling out and you want to show your loyalty. You guys are silly like that. But I do know there are some parents out there like that. Keep your children away from their friends because they have fallen out. It's distasteful. So I rather not risk it because, at the end of the day, you're my number one priority just like Boruto is to Naruto."

Shikamaru hugged his son and while Shikadai would never admit it, he cried.

Boruto was grilling Naruto about the same thing. And while Naruto was the goofy parent he had passed on his ability to read people's body language to Boruto. "Dad you can be honest for once. You like him a lot you're just scared because Mr. Nara is going to be your first boyfriend."

"We're not going to be anything other than wonderful parents to our kids. We're just friends, wine drinkers."

"You do realize wine leads to romance right?"

"Don't read into that propaganda," Naruto scolded.

"Dad," Boruto called out in a way that made Naruto realize Boruto was serious. "I know you love me. That I'm your world, I'm sure Mr. Nara is the same with Shikadai but we've seen the chemistry. You two have feelings for each other. We don't mind you two pursuing that because you two have already sacrificed so much for us. I want you to find someone to share life with. Some things can't be shared with me because they are meant for your romantic partner. I would love for that partner to be Mr. Nara so be honest. Do you like him?"

Naruto was on the brink of tears because it was one of the few times Boruto was ever actually serious and the fact that it was being used to tell him, his father to find someone was touching him. "Yes, I do like him. I like him a lot."

"That's all I need to know," Boruto smiled, happy that both sides loved each other. He sent the recording to Shikadai who sent back a thumbs up. "Now listen to this. Playing matchmaker is hard."

Naruto and Shikamaru got to hear the others' thoughts but their children didn't let on that the others knew about it. It was out of their hands now because what more could they do. They had gotten confirmation that the other liked them, that they would date the other if given the chance. The only time they got to confirm this came a week later when both fathers dropped them off at a group sleepover for the weekend. They had traveled together Shikamaru being the one that drove. Naruto fell asleep on the drive back leaving Shikamaru with his thoughts as he remembered Naruto's words.

'Yes, I like him. I like him a lot.'

"You ultimately think like I do, putting Boruto above yourself because that's what a good parent does. I feel the same for Shikadai but somewhere there they're both right. We need company and love and we shouldn't neglect ourselves. I like you a lot Naruto," Shikamaru confessed softly, so softly Naruto didn't even stir awake.

Naruto was awake slightly when they pulled into the driveway. Shikamaru parked the car and took in a sigh. He leaned back in his seat and admired the way Naruto blinked lazily, yawning like a pleased kitten. The way he slicked his lips unconsciously, made them more tempting. He looked away. He knew the blonde like him, that he had nothing to fear but the rejection was still at play here. Naruto could push him away, telling him they should stay friends. 'I wish I hadn't listened. It just gave me anxiety.'

Shikamaru didn't have time to think about it more as Naruto made a move to open the door. On pure instinct Shikamaru reached out and stopped him, closing back the door. Naruto was now wide awake and looking at him with a confused expression Shikamaru was becoming so fond of.


Naruto's eyebrows rose as Shikamaru came closer. "Please don't kill me for this."

And he kissed Naruto.

Naruto's lips were everything he expected. His lips are softer than anything he's ever felt. It was like cotton candy, so effortlessly sweet. His heart soared when Naruto kissed him back, reaching out and latching onto his jacket. When they pulled back, Naruto's eyes were glowing, unnaturally at that. He broke out in a smile that made Shikamaru kiss him again. This time it was heated, intention to bring it further as Shikamaru dragged Naruto over the console and onto his lap. He finally, finally got to feel the blonde's body. No more short hugs trying to savor the feeling. Now he could hold him for however long he wanted as Naruto moaned into his mouth as their tongue clashed.

Shikamaru pulled away to kiss down his neck, pushing his shirt up at the same time. He was getting greedy but Naruto's tapping made him stop before he could suckle on his nipples. "Yeah," His voice was hoarse as he looked up at the blonde who was now looking down at him.

"Can't we do this inside?"

It was such an innocent question and Shikamaru snapped out of his haze as he realized that they were still in his car, in the middle of the night, in Naruto's driveway. Of course, they could do this inside. Naruto was a virgin for fuck's sake of course he wouldn't do the blonde a disservice. "Yeah, sorry baby I got caught up," Shikamaru apologized as he tried to calm down his erection.

Naruto chuckled and kissed him softly before giving him a fond look. "I was worked up to Shikamaru. Come on, please."

Shikamaru nodded and they got out and went inside for the night.

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