Meeting The Other Dad

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"Shikadai how many times have I told to do this before you have a sleepover," Shikamaru grumbled as he helped his son pack up for a sleepover with his best friend Boruto. His first friend since he started elementary school. His son has always been lazy so most of the hyperactive children left him to his own devices since he wasn't like them. But to his surprise, one boy befriended him.

Shikamaru had to twitch his eyes at the description of him. Blond hair, blue eyes, and an obnoxious superiority complex. It was evident from how Shikadai talked about him that he was spoilt and teeth rotten so but he wasn't ungrateful. Boruto would on every occasion praise his father like a god. Shikadai had to agree with it.

"I'm telling you, if you saw him then you'd understand. He's gorgeous." The stars in Shikadai's eyes made him slightly disturbed. He chuckled nevertheless and accepted his son's words.

As he shuffled around his son's room dropping his game in the bag and the little snacks he had stashed away before saddling his little boy with it. He picked up the mini suitcase and took his hand. "Come on we've got everything, now let's go see your little best friend with the so-called gorgeous Dad."

"Dad your not taking me seriously, he's really a ball of sunshine and when I stand in his presence it's like I'm just right in front of the goddamn sun. He's always giving you sweets and not just candy it's either cake or a trifle or something else." As Shikadai babbled Shikamaru got more intrigued.

"What about his mother?" He found himself asking but he already had a sneaking suspicion. "All I've heard is this abundant praise of his father, so the mother?"

Shikadai scowled slightly. "Boruto doesn't like her, really doesn't. He never told me what his mother did but in their divorce, he was won by his father and she headed back to her extended family. As far as I'm concerned she doesn't ask for visiting rights even though his father expressed that it was okay."

"Sounds like a bitch to me," Shikamaru said bluntly as he strapped his son into his seat before going to his place behind the wheel to drive off.

"You're telling me? I'm the one who heard it."


"Boruto no!" Naruto wailed as he was trying to stop the boy who was eating a trifle while trying to dodge his father's wet towel that was meant to clean his face up. It was smeared in chocolate remains from the triple chocolate cake he had only an hour ago. They met across from each other with a table between them. At some points, Naruto would regret spoiling his son but then he would see that face-splitting smile and wash those thoughts away.

"Daddy please I like the chocolate," Boruto whined bouncing in place as the glass he held with a spoon dangled loosely in his grasp. It was in danger of falling but Naruto knew that Boruto wouldn't let that be.

"Your friend is coming over and I won't have you looking like you were raised by a child." Naruto was trying to be scolded but he couldn't stop the smile on his face that was waiting to be split open to break his jaw. Naruto was so enamored with his child that nothing he ever did could make him upset.

"Tou-chan, you are a child well you give more teenager vibes," Boruto said with a shrug, Naruto looked offended and chucked the wet towel he had right at his face. Boruto dodged but it was too late Naruto had jumped him by reaching over and hooking him by the drawstrings of his hoodie. It was an awkward angle but he managed to clean his face as Boruto protested viciously against his actions.

"I may be a child at heart as well but I'm a parent first and foremost." Naruto smiled at him and Boruto returned it. They started giggling as they butted foreheads together. Boruto kissed his cheek and got one in return.

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